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How do I register with MyTrafficValue?
When you get to MyTrafficValue's homepage while you don't have an account yet, the head of the page should look similar to the view you can see in the first picture below. From here you can press the button 'Open new account', the button 'Register' or the button 'Join us' displayed on the picture below.
In the screen that will open, you will have to enter some information to complete your registration. The information we require of you are your chosen username and password, your email address and your date of birth. The page you are looking at should look similar to the picture below.
Your username must contain at least 2 and at maximum 12 alpha-numerical characters. Please note that your password should contain at the least 6 characters. Also make sure that your date of birth and email are correctly filled in. You will need this information to be correct later to be able to make withdrawals from your account or make use of some of our services and you will not be able to recover this date later.
At the bottom of this page you will see a checkbox with the text 'I confirm that I was referred by 'name of referrer'. Please make sure that your upline is correctly displayed here. You will not be able to change this later! If you do not have any referrer you should see 'portfolio' as the filled in upline. Having 'portfolio' be your upline will directly contribute to MyTrafficValue's wellbeing!
If you followed the above steps correctly, you press the button 'Open your account' and you should automatically be logged in and get to the following page:
Congratulations, you are now a member of MyTrafficValue. You can use your account to log in to both MyTrafficValue and Paidverts, you do not need to make a separate account for both websites. Good luck making money with us!
I did not receive my registration email. What do I do?
Your first step should be to wait for a moment. Please allow for 15 minutes for the email to arrive. If you still have not received the email after this time, please check your email client's spam- or junkfilter. Your client may have mistaken our email for unwanted spam.
If your email still has not been found, please contact us using our support system and we will try to resolve your issue as quickly as possible.
Can I become member of MyTrafficValue, Paidverts, PlayPerfectMoneyGames or PlayBitcoinGames no matte
Yes, you can become a member of our websites regardless of where you live. The only restriction there is to whether or not you can make an account, is that you are not allowed to have more than 1 account per IP address. This means if you and a family member are using the IP address, only 1 of you is allowed to have an account on any of our websites. If this does not apply to you, you are free to make an account on our websites! For further reference as to what you are or are not allowed, please check out the Terms of Service of our websites.
Terms of Service MyTrafficValue
Terms of Service PlayPerfectMoneyGames
Terms of Service PlayBitcoinGames
Is registration with PlayPerfectMoneyGames free?
Yes! Registering with PlayPerfectMoneyGames is entirely free. The only costs you will have are the deposit costs for funding your money! You can always find the up-to-date current deposit fees on this page. It should look something like this:
How do I register with Paidverts?
When you get to Paidverts' homepage while you don't have an account yet, the head of the page should look similar to the view you can see in the first picture below. From here you can press the button 'Register' or the button 'Create account' displayed on the picture below.
In the screen that will open, you will have to enter some information to complete your registration. The information we require of you are your chosen username and password, your email address, your gender and your date of birth. The page you are looking at should look similar to the picture below.
Your username must contain at least 2 and at maximum 12 alpha-numerical characters. Please note that your password should contain at the least 6 characters. Also make sure that your date of birth and email are correctly filled in. You will need this information to be correct later to be able to make withdrawals from your account or make use of some of our services and you will not be able to recover this date later.
At the bottom of this page you will see a checkbox with the text 'I confirm that I was referred by 'name of referrer'. Please make sure that your upline is correctly displayed here. You will not be able to change this later! If you do not have any referrer you should see 'portfolio' as the filled in upline. Having 'portfolio' be your upline will directly contribute to Paidverts' wellbeing!
If you followed the above steps correctly, you press the button 'Open account' and you should automatically be logged in and get to the following page:
Congratulations, you are now a member of Paidverts. You can use your account to log in to both Paidverts and MyTrafficValue, you do not need to make a separate account for both websites. Good luck advertising with us!
What benefits will I get from registering with Paidverts?
The main benefit you gain from registering with Paidverts comes from being able to use its services! This includes but is not limited to:
Purchasing one of our many forms of advertisement
Playing our many fun games for Bonus Ad points
Viewing advertisements to earn money
Earning referral commissions over your downline's actions
Playing in our Click Grid for a chance of winning huge prizes
Performing cash offers for more profits
Another less obvious benefit is that you can use your login information to log in on our other website MyTrafficValue as well! You will automatically be given an account there as well!
Also, don't forget that registering an account with us is absolutely free of charge! There is no downside really! So what are you waiting for?
How do I register with PlayPerfectMoneyGames?
Well this is going to be easy! With PlayPerfectMoneyGames you don't need to register or fill out forms. All you need to do to play games with us, is simply deposit some money from your Perfect Money account, and you will be all set to play!
When you go to the homepage, you can simply click the button 'Add Funds / Register' and you should see the following page:
On this page you find a link to create your own account at Perfect Money if you didn't already have one. Please note that you could also take a look at our other website ~~Hyperlink 006 if you have a Bitcoin Wallet but not a Perfect Money account!
Now that you have your Perfect Money account with some money on it, you can simply fill in how much money you would like to deposit to PlayPerfectMoneyGames, the page will display what the fee for your deposit will be, and how much money therefore will actually be added to your account.
At the bottom of this page you will see a checkbox with the text 'I confirm I was referred by user account 'user ID of referrer'. Please make sure that your upline is correctly displayed here. If you do not have any referrer you should see 'user account ID 1' as the filled in upline. Having 'user account ID 1' be your upline will directly contribute to PlayPerfectMoneyGames' wellbeing!
Once you've done all the above, you can press 'submit' and you will be forwarded to PerfectMoney's website to fill in the details of your deposit. Here you can check PlayPerfectMoneyGames' account number and type, and its credit rating. You will then select your desired way of payment and press 'Makepayment'. You then enter your Perfect Money account details and the captcha required, and you can complete your transaction. At this point, the page you are looking at should look something like this:
You then confirm the deposit, and congratulations, you can now play casino games, multiplayer games and skillgames with PlayPerfectMoneyGames! Good luck!
How do I register with PlayBitcoinGames?
Well this is going to be easy! With PlayBitcoinGames you don't need to register or fill out forms. All you need to do to play games with us, is simply deposit some money from your Bitcoin wallet, and you will be all set to play!
When you go to the homepage, you can simply click the button 'Register' and you should see the following page:
On this page you will fill in your email address. It is important that you fill in a valid email address here, or you will not be able to create your account!
At the bottom of this page you will see a checkbox with the text 'I confirm I was referred by user account 'user ID of referrer'. Please make sure that your upline is correctly displayed here. If you do not have any referrer you should see 'user account ID 1' as the filled in upline. Having 'user account ID 1' be your upline will directly contribute to PlayBitcoinGames' wellbeing!
Please note that you could also take a look at our other website PlayPerfectMoneyGames if you have a Perfect Money account but not a Bitcoin wallet!
When you filled out the above information correctly and press 'Signup' you will get logged into the website and see a page similar to this:
You will now need to check your email account for the email from PlayBitcoinGames to get your automatically generated password. If you can't see the email please check your "spam" or "junk" folder as it might have been sent there by your email provider. The email you received should look something like this:
The areas that have been greyed out in this example picture contain your generated password and your deposit address. From here on out, you will need this password to log in to PlayBitcoinGames!
Congratulations, you can now play casino games, multiplayer games and skillgames with PlayBitcoinGames! Good luck!
Is registration with MyTrafficValue free?
Well of course! Registration with MyTrafficValue is absolutely free of charge! If you have money in your MTV Earnings Balance however, you will pay a daily account maintenance fee for as little as $0.001 to keep your account active. Of course, if you are using MyTrafficValue, that is merely a small fraction of the amount of money you are earning with us!
Is registration with Paidverts free?
Well of course! Registration with Paidverts is absolutely free of charge! If you have money in your PV Earnings Balance however, you will pay a daily account maintenance fee for as little as $0.001 to keep your account active. Of course, if you are using Paidverts, that is merely a small fraction of the amount of money you are earning with us! You can check if you are paying these daily account maintenance
Is registration with PlayBitcoinGames free?
Yes! Registering with PlayBitcoinGames is entirely free. There are no hidden costs or fees for registering or maintaining an account with PlayBitcoinGames! Happy gaming!
What benefits will I get from registering with MyTrafficValue?
The main benefit you gain from registering with MyTrafficValue comes from being able to use its services! This includes but is not limited to:
Trading Royalty Positions
Investing in the Fast Track Plans
Advertising in our banner auctions
Using our HYIP Monitor
Playing in the Voting game
Participation in discussions on our forum
Playing our many fun games and win real money
Earning referral commissions over your downline's actions
Another less obvious benefit is that you can use your login information to log in on our other website Paidverts as well! You will automatically be given an account there as well!
Also, don't forget that registering an account with us is absolutely free of charge! There is no downside really! So what are you waiting for?
Am I allowed to have multiple accounts?
Sadly, you are not allowed to have multiple accounts on MyTrafficValue, Paidverts, PlayPerfectmoneyGames or PlayBitcoinGames. This means 1 IP address for 1 account. If you attempt to use more than one account per IP on any of these websites, all accounts you try to open may be blocked or closed and money on your account will not be refunded. If you notice that you have more than one registered Member Account you must notify us immediately using the support system. For further reference as to what you are or are not allowed, please check out the Terms of Service of our websites.
Terms of Service MyTrafficValue
Terms of Service PlayPerfectMoneyGames
Terms of Service PlayBitcoinGames
Someone with the same IP address wants to join as well. Is this a problem?
Sadly, you are not allowed to have multiple accounts on MyTrafficValue, Paidverts, PlayPerfectMoneyGames or PlayBitcoinGames on the same IP address. If you notice that you have more than one registered Member Account on 1 IP address, you must notify us immediately using the support system. For further reference as to what you are or are not allowed, please check out the Terms of Service of our websites.
Terms of Service MyTrafficValue
Terms of Service PlayPerfectMoneyGames
Terms of Service PlayBitcoinGames
How do I change my email address on MyTrafficValue?
As a first step, you log into your account with your old email address. You then go to 'My Account' on the left menu bar, and press the 'Profile' tab. You should now see a page looking similar to this:
(Information blacked out for obvious reasons)
When you are logged in, you can also go directly to this page by following this direct link.
How do I change my email address on Paidverts?
As a first step, you log into your account with your old email address. You then go to 'Home' on the top menu bar, and press the 'My account' option on the right menu bar. You then select the option 'Account Data' from the menu. You should now see a page looking similar to this:
(Information blacked out for obvious reasons)
When you are logged in, you can also go directly to this page by following this direct link.
How do I verify my account?
As a first step, you log into your account. You then go to this page and you follow the simple instructions provided there.
I accidentally entered the wrong birth date. What do I do?
Ok, this is not a good situation. However, we might still be able to help you. You should contact us immediately using our support system and explain your situation to us. However, please understand that we will need to verify that you are indeed the real owner of your account. Be prepared to present us with proof of ownership. Also, make sure you get your birth date right this time, since you can only change it once!