
out of $12,000.00 reached

0 days to go

Funding ended on 26 Apr 2017

69 Backers

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Projected build time:

2 months 2 weeks, the biggest, best built member to member matrix.
Project Updates
Project Premises
A fair member to member matrix, with a bonus structure to reward those that don't make a monetary profit. This time backed up by flawless code which is able to survive any level of pressure. Considering that the first attempt of launching the project was met with great enthusiasm without having a lot of time to do proper marketing, we would say the success rate of this project is extremely high.
Project Specifications

A rough specification of the script:

Below you can find specification of three different areas:

1.      Guest area / frontpage

Content of the other subpages should be configured and loaded from database

1.1.    Homepage: 

1.1.1.  show sponsor / default referrer

1.1.2.  total donations amount

1.1.3.  top earners (period of time configurable)

1.1.4.  top recruiters (period of time configurable)

1.1.5.  top countries (period of time configurable)


1.2.    Login page:


1.2.1.  Username

1.2.2.  Password

1.2.3.  remember me

1.2.4.  captcha (configurable from admin panel)


1.3.    Register page:


Option to block registration until some date. Form:


1.3.1.  show sponsor / default referrer

1.3.2.  Username

1.3.3.  Email

1.3.4.  Password

1.3.5.  Country

1.3.6.  security question and answer

1.3.7.  link to tos

1.3.8.  other fields configurable from Admin panel

1.3.9.  captcha (configurable from admin panel)


1.4.    Password recovery page:


1.4.1.  Email

1.4.2.  captcha (configurable from admin panel)


2.      Member area


2.1.    Dashboard


There should be statistic showing in header total members and total donations (same as on homepage), then user profile - join date, last login date, avatar, amount/value of donations sent/received. Additionally summary of user's ref network is required.


2.2.    Finances


There should be ability to manage BTC wallet (add/edit).


The most important option is to Upgrade the account. By default each account is created for 48h (configurable), then is removed from system, unless user will donate his upline on time. User needs to know his upline BTC address, makes a donation, then provides transaction id for verification. Script verifies if amount and recipient account are correct.


Matrix size should be configurable from admin panel. If your upline has enough users referred, then newly registered user is placed at first possible spot in the tree of original referrer. There should be 2 algorithms for assigning to choose: left to right or weakest leg.


Users can only donate upgraded uplines.


Level 1: 0.027 BTC

Level 2: 0.045 BTC

Level 3: 0.090 BTC

Level 4: 0.180 BTC

Level 5: 0.900 BTC

Level 6: 1.800 BTC


User on Level 1 sends donation to level 1 upline and receives donations from downlines on level 1.

User on Level 2 sends donation to level 2 upline and receives donations from downlines on level 2.


and so on...


In matrix width 2, you need to activate your account by donating an upline with 0.027 BTC.

On the first level you can receive 2 donations of 0.027 BTC from non-active downlines and you send 0.045 BTC to upline to gain level 2.

Second level upgrade allows to receive 4 donations of 0.045 BTC from level 1 downlines and requires to donate 0.09 BTC to level 3 upline. 

On third level you can receive 0.09 BTC from 8 downlines on level 2, but need to donate 0.18 BTC to get to level 4.

On level 4 you can receive 0.18 BTC from 16 downlines on level 3, you need to donate 0.9 BTC to upline on level 5.

On level 5 you can receive 0.9 BTC from 32 downlines on level 4, you need to donate 1.8 BTC to upline on level 6.

On level 6 you can receive 1.8 BTC from 64 downlines.


To keep your upgrades active and be able to receive donations in the following month, you need to pay subscription for each upgrade once per 30 days.


System needs to manage all users properly. Inactive accounts to delete cause a need to rebuild the tree in a fair way. It also should prevent the situation, where one user has more downlines than width of the matrix is.


For each donation user receives ad points (amount configurable). You can also see list of pending, completed and missed donations.


2.3.    Referrals


Show ref network graph - usernames, emails, account levels, expiration date.


2.4.    My link


Show reflink and banners


2.5.    My profile


Allow to edit profile fields (configurable from admin panel), avatar, option to lock ip address - prevent login from a different IP, list of last different IP addresses, add social links, control information shared with others: email, avatar, social links, skype, phone etc.


2.6.    Ads


Give users an option to buy ads on Hompage. Everything should be configurable from admin panel: which ad spots should be available for purchase using points and which for BTC, price - per day or per hour. User has to create campaign first (select ad spot, upload banner, link), it needs to be approved by admin, then he can make a purchase by selecting available date/time from list, created ad and payment method. Show details of purchases on another subpage.


2.7.    Testimonials


List of reviews, option to add yours, each review needs to be approved by admin.


2.8.    Support


Link to external support system?


2.9.    Logout


3.      Admin area


3.1.    Dashboard


Show some stats there, like amount of signups, upgrades, users on each level, total donations. Below show pending things to be approved: testimonials, ads.


3.2.    Users


Show all users in the pageable table view: username, email, acc level, registration date. Allow to edit specific user by clicking username. Give option to edit all fields, wallet, user group, account expiration date, manual upgrade user for any level, show referrals and user's ref structure, show IPs, payment history, bought ads


3.3.    Mass email


Send emails to user groups or all users, WYSIWYG editor, use external api to send.


3.4.    Transactions


List all transactions: ad purchases, donations


3.5.    Ads


List all ads purchases, option to cancel campaigns, manual approve


3.6.    Settings


Settings should be categorized:


3.6.1. System: Default User ID, Recaptcha config, Website Name, Website Domain, HTTPS (SSL), Launch Time

3.6.2. BTC: Minimum Confirmations, Payment Variance, BTC API Key

3.6.3. Matrix: Maximum Levels, Matrix Width, Free member expires, Subscription Duration, Spillover Algorithm, Amount of ad points

3.6.4. Email: SMPT config, API config, From Name, From Email

3.6.5. Registration: Activation Email, ReCaptcha, Fields to choose: Country, First/last name, Address, Phone etc.

3.6.6. Frontend: Site logo link, subpages editor

3.6.7. Ads: predefine ad spots - id, banner size, default img and link

Project Risks
Getting repaid with company stock instead of cash.
Project Benefits
You can earn 20% ROI within 6 months after the launch, or get repaid in full with Royalty Positions equal to a value of the full amount.(Investment+20% profit)