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Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
So after a lot of pain and disgust from all of us I decided to make a tutorial to help those who are just arriving to post in our forum. My hopes: that it will minimize the amount of useless/incorrect/undue/unnecessary posts in here and make life easier for mods and users alike.So, what do I have to do when I want to post in the forum? 1 - Make sure you are logged in your account - self explanatory 2 - Make sure you read the forum rules in here: https://www.mytrafficvalue.com/forum/news/forum_rules/latest.html - also self explanatory 3 - Make sure to title your post adequately. The title of your post should explain what it is about and invite people to participate in the discussion. Examples of good titles are> "I need help with buying shares" or "I found a bug and don´t know how to proceed" or even "Need explanation about the FTQ". Bad examples of titles are: "Catt" or "bad ads" or "won´t work" or "shares". 4 - Make sure you are posting in the right forum. We have forum categories and each and every one of them is explained in the forum rules. Pay attention to them and avoid to have your post deleted by mods. If you can´t figure out where to post your topic, make it in the misc subforum. It is free for all. 5 - DO NOT DISRESPECT THE FORUM RULES. Your topic may and will be erased if you do that. The mods may choose to edit it all and leave an explanation, but that isn´t mandatory and in obvious cases not even needed. 6 - If your post got deleted and you do not understand why, reread the forum rules. If you still can´t figure it out, ask respectfully in the forum - and the title thing suits this case fine - about it and it will be explained. Do NOT in any case keep reposting it, since it will be considered spam. 7 - Take a look at the daily news, the latest 20 topics and use the search forum feature in order to see if the theme you want to talk about is not discussed in there already. When it´s about bugs or fixes in the site, 99% of the time it will be there. 8 - Although your opinion is important and highly valued, restrain from creating new topics. If you want to talk about shares, talk about them in the shares topic that is already created. If you want to denounce an ad, do it in the official pinned forum post.... and so far and so on. 9 - BE RESPECTFUL at all times. You can NOT come in here, say 'paidverts is shit' and complain if a mod tells you to pack off and leave. Respect begets respect. 10 - Tickets and cashouts take up to 7 days. Asking about it in the forum over and over again will NOT make them faster and may end up getting you fined according to the rules. Restrain from doing that. I hope those simple and fast hints can make the forum more interesting and also easier to go through, since we all love it here!!!
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
And I'd like to nominate user "paulneelam" for a short forum ban for "Disagreeing" with your post. People Catt just posted facts. That's it facts. Those of you who have a problem with that, get over your arrogance and entitlement and accept the rules.
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
Ummm....I think everyone needs to read this so...here we go!
Traffic Value: $228.85395 Venezuela
Add others non-critical, but still should be common knowledge:Try to post in english or provide an english translation on your posts, if you can't do that or barely understand this you should go to your language topic and post there. When a gambling product shows negative revenue, there is nothing wrong with the site or the product, it's just that some lucky people won big prizes, that can happen sometimes. Remember to secure your account: there are several ways to do it right now: 2 Factor Authentication, Money area PIN, a long Password, and most recently Responsible gaming restriction. When the daily ad issue isn't posted, it is because there isn't one yet, so just wait it out or enjoy the free day, the money gets added to next ad issues so you don't miss anything. No main Ad-issues on weekend, maybe just a small random ad issue, just be aware of this so you don't complain. (...Though in my humble opinion there should be at least half-value ad issue on saturday...). If you do win some considerable money through gambling, it is advisable that don't get greedy and stop or you might lose it all. Moderators are friends / helpers for a great overall forum experience, not enemies...
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
@mbipbuxty for collaborating!!!!!
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
Yes, it does... the first item had only the meaning to avoid people saying 'I can´t post, when I try to it takes me to the login page'
Traffic Value: $346.1741 India
A-W-E-S-O-M-E!! ... This should be made into a Sticky Thread which new users (as well as some old ones!) can refer to anytime. BTW, the user "Paulneelam" seems to be a long lost twin of Mr. Steffenbiese, being super-negative et al ! ... Thanx for takin care of it Catt.
Traffic Value: $30,507.44878 Mexico
To create a new post, I need to have $250 proven traffic value... What does it mean? or what do I have to do to increase that value? I only need $10 more and I want to ask about a bug and I cant find a similar thead
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
For questions about issues: https://www.mytrafficvalue.com/forum/misc/pvmtv_issues/22.html
Traffic Value: $131.17118 Bolivia
[Edited by The Moderating Team: Please utilize English in the main forums. If you want to speak your native language, post it on the language specific topic. Thanks for being a member of MTV / PV.]