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Unsolved tickets for a really long time

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Traffic Value: $1,843.08727 Romania
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24/03/2021 01:12
I have some tickets on both PaidVerts and PTCShare that are still not solved for what seems like ages.

PaidVerts - Achievements reset - Ticket #279680
Opened 9th Jun 2020.
SupportTeam answered 18th Jun 2020 with: " SupportTeam forwarded the ticket to the correct department. Please wait for a reply from our staff."
Still unsolved.

PTCShare - Achievements reset - Ticket #FCNNJ
Opened 9th Jun 2020.
Answered 11th Jun 2020.
Still unsolved.

PTCShare - Privacy Issue - Ticket #RC5ZR
Opened 16th Jun 2019.
Answered 18th Jun 2019: "Thanks for your feeback! It has been forwarded smile".
Still unsolved.

Feel free to edit/remove tickets # once it gets noted/solved.
Traffic Value: $684.68747 Bosnia and Herzegowina
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24/03/2021 05:06
Traffic Value: $7,429.94412 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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28/03/2021 07:41
This is area where MTV-PV HAS TO IMPROVE. I intentionally put CAPS, because that area is in free fall comparing to past times.
Its sadly a fact. Things are resolved in many cases reasonably fast, but easy problems are done in rush without some "personal" moderator feedback. I dont feel passion in there anymore, could be I am wrong.
Hope they will put more spirit in there.
I know system is big and all but its area like all others and user experience has to be priority.

Hope they step up again.
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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28/03/2021 07:51
Our support works just fine in 99.9% of the cases.
These type of things usually don't require a response at all so they don't get closed at all sometimes.
Forum - Questions - Unsolved tickets for a really long time
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