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PV Balance

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Traffic Value: $952.82322 Hungary
1 like this post 0 people
31/08/2020 14:47
Could someone explain the following issue? I've just noticed that a referral commission has been added to and then disappeared from my balance.

Here is a screenshot where you can see that $0.1 has been added at 14:27:08, and the balance has been updated correctly, but then at 14:27:24, the $0.1 is missing, as though it was never added. What could have caused this? Have I found a bug?
Traffic Value: $952.82322 Hungary
1 like this post 0 people
03/09/2020 08:08
And there is another problem: I don't receive the 1% ad for the BA I purchased on Monday.
Forum - Questions - PV Balance
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