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Fun Started again

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Traffic Value: $293.14535 Saudi Arabia
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05/05/2015 16:05
i am waiting price .02 then i buy smile
Traffic Value: $293.14535 Saudi Arabia
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05/05/2015 16:06
Traffic Value: $45,492.60776 Pakistan
1 like this post 1 people
05/05/2015 16:11
i was know Jo going to do this
that's why i was trying to sell my all shares
but no one buy my shares
i was hope brainy buy my shares
but i think brainy busy with his gf
Traffic Value: $1,625.74344 Pakistan
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05/05/2015 16:20
SOULSOMO IS buying,,,,cho cho
Traffic Value: $293.14535 Saudi Arabia
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05/05/2015 16:22
sell yourshares  0.0399 then see all off your shares sold in sec
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
1 like this post 1 people
05/05/2015 16:24
Now I wish I didn't buy back 2 days ago. I could have regained a lot of my losses (When I was helping everyone earlier in this topic tongue)
Traffic Value: $1,793.38751 Italy
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05/05/2015 16:29
I was tired of waiting so I tried to speculate a bit and what is happened? Richard xD

Lost only 100$ not a huge loss, but it hurts me ahah
Traffic Value: $45,492.60776 Pakistan
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05/05/2015 16:29
tomorrow Jo accept bids again
Traffic Value: $293.14535 Saudi Arabia
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05/05/2015 16:33

no tomorrow price drop 0.038 then mybe jo accpet bids 0.039 
Traffic Value: $1,042.69 Belgium
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05/05/2015 16:34
@shaukat19 How do you know these things? grin
Traffic Value: $24,334.30701 Italy
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05/05/2015 16:35
all of us know this things grin
Traffic Value: $1,042.69 Belgium
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05/05/2015 16:38
Why don't i then? i think i still need to learn allot 
Traffic Value: $420.31646 Germany
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05/05/2015 16:39
Is funny. Every time I do something, the market turns around. Next time I buy instead of sell grin
Traffic Value: $687.21138 Portugal
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05/05/2015 16:39
is soo funny when people are in panic trying to sell all his shares to do a profit, and is when the share price stop going down and in seconds go up soo fast ahahah
Traffic Value: $45,492.60776 Pakistan
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05/05/2015 16:41
1 week ago i was trying to sell shares
on monday dividends day share price was 0.0523 than i'm waiting for dividends and then i going to sell shares
but before dividends Jo accept bids sad
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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05/05/2015 16:43
If we actually want it to go down, we keep the bids to a minimum.
Traffic Value: $203,540.80977 Malaysia
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05/05/2015 16:50
jo is going to slowly push down the price to below 0.04
Traffic Value: $1,474.89742 Malaysia
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05/05/2015 16:51
Damn I want to be part of the game!

Anyone wanna buy my investments? tongue only 14.98 for 17.02 due with debt ahead 400k - 465k grin sort by name and mine is on page 30 *peace*
Traffic Value: $10.52142 Indonesia
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05/05/2015 16:53
is there someone that could bring down the price up to 0.039?  lol
Traffic Value: $734.57051 Spain
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05/05/2015 17:12
I recover lost Actions. grin
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