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Fun Started again

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Traffic Value: $24,334.30701 Italy
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05/05/2015 12:07
infact jo did something, jo sold his shares yesterday wink ( and you should do same thing) 
Traffic Value: $1,793.38751 Italy
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05/05/2015 12:07
Sure, let me phone him...

If you think share's price will go up just buy it, noone is forbidding you, BUT don't come later whining cuz share dropped more and more!!
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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05/05/2015 12:15
Market has nowhere to go. 
Roof 0.05 for selling, bottom 0.045 filled with big spiders and unseen big spiders already and everybody that sells now wanting to buy cheaper, not to mention everybody that just will buy cheaper anyhow.  
You imagine a slippery road downhill  with at the end a cannibal party?.devil
The losses that still can be made are not scary enough and the profits not promising enough 
for a risk. 
Traffic Value: $404.66435 Spain
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05/05/2015 12:32
I think shares will not drop more. too many buyers and few sellers, everybody want to buy cheap shares...
Traffic Value: $24,334.30701 Italy
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05/05/2015 12:37
you mean everybody want buy expensive shares grin 
Traffic Value: $1,179.88472 Italy
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05/05/2015 12:42
Share will drop more, only my opinion. To much days to 9 June
Traffic Value: $519.58477 Serbia
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05/05/2015 12:47
I agree with`s pretty much a dead sea now...with little ups and downs.

and if I remember ok...some of you predicted 0.04 for yesterday...but nothing of the sort happened.

Sure, the price did go down, but not even close to justify some hyping here to sell all you have...

Just another day in the market...
Traffic Value: $404.66435 Spain
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05/05/2015 13:02
I hope shares drope more, because my FTQ matures next week.
But...there are many good news from slosumo, the new office will get ready very soon. So, in my opinion there is no reason for drop much more the share price.
Traffic Value: $14,551.54628 Belgium
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05/05/2015 13:08
You Know Guys .... When a loooot of Us Think that the price will drop more, that will provok an Opposite Effect => The price will Jump. Why ? I don't Know grin 
Traffic Value: $2,575.64792 Slovenia
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05/05/2015 13:13
I love share marketgrin
Traffic Value: $404.66435 Spain
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05/05/2015 13:14
@ccarlosdulce I agree with you grin
Traffic Value: $14,551.54628 Belgium
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05/05/2015 13:14
PassiveTools Back from his travel? lol
Traffic Value: $519.58477 Serbia
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05/05/2015 13:15
can some1 with SHCP enlighten us as to who just dumped their shares?  grin
Traffic Value: $14,551.54628 Belgium
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05/05/2015 13:16
That was Passivetools
Traffic Value: $14,551.54628 Belgium
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05/05/2015 13:17
You don't need SHCP =>
Traffic Value: $2,575.64792 Slovenia
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05/05/2015 13:19
@Marc, you made some profit, loltongue
Traffic Value: $1,696.27057 Spain
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05/05/2015 13:22
I did 23$ profit just trading 16k shares. Guess marca profit haha
Traffic Value: $2,575.64792 Slovenia
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05/05/2015 13:23
@Passivetools sold around 100.000 shares
Traffic Value: $1,625.74344 Pakistan
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05/05/2015 13:24
f...... roadblock at 0.046, I don't know why some mad people ruin everything, they go against the well of the majority, at this time majority of the users (who are trading) want to lower the price but a few try to freeze things. ermm
Traffic Value: $404.66435 Spain
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05/05/2015 13:24
I didnt expect this move from passivetools xD
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