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Fun Started again

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Traffic Value: $2,545.40766 Turkey
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01/05/2015 19:32
you are lucky that you sold at 0,06
Traffic Value: $895.87705 Spain
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01/05/2015 19:47
Now the stock could easily go down to 0.0475 and see what happens ermm
Traffic Value: $687.89748 Pakistan
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01/05/2015 19:53
I am trying my best to drop the price, for that I put all of my shares, but none is helping me in this fun, guys please do something, sale your shares, lets bring the price down. COME ON BIGGES, Big guys/grin
Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
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01/05/2015 19:58
they must be sleeping today
Traffic Value: $895.87705 Spain
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01/05/2015 20:00

See if you help someone because there is much investor who says he canĀ shares down, but ......... much ado about nothing silly
Traffic Value: $687.89748 Pakistan
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01/05/2015 20:04
I don't know whether I m helping someone or ruining my investment. If price lowers. I may get more shares by buying at 0.046 or lower. But it seems very dull out there.
Traffic Value: $983.3735 Netherlands
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01/05/2015 20:17

Let people buy cheap shares...
Traffic Value: $404.66435 Spain
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01/05/2015 20:17
Today 4.000$ revenue. Do you think shares will drop (more)?
Traffic Value: $30,993.31104 United States
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01/05/2015 20:32
Best way to make a profit IS the tug of war.

Learn to play.

I'm writing a book,
publishing Monday

It's been at $0.04 for a week.
Let's go for $0.05.

The floor or minimum share sell price is $0.02
Traffic Value: $1,625.74344 Pakistan
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01/05/2015 20:34
afridi00007 tried to do something, but it seems that none is interested to lower the price. It came to 0.0481, but rise to 0.0484 again,
Traffic Value: $1,625.74344 Pakistan
1 like this post 1 people
01/05/2015 20:43

I dont know what strategy you are keeping in your mind? You have a bid to sale at 11k@0.0485 and at the same time a bid to buy of 1k at 0.048. So in this way price will neither lower nor higher. How come we buy cheap and sell high? with only 2-3 points difference?
Traffic Value: $30,993.31104 United States
1 like this post 0 people
01/05/2015 20:47
If I teach you all, the price will only go up and up.

I need a resistance. Lol
Traffic Value: $895.87705 Spain
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01/05/2015 20:51

We learn to play not let you play . because 0.05 , there is no reason for the action is not worth 0.04 . end of the year more than 0.02 is too much reason is there for this highest
Traffic Value: $415.25841 Cyprus
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01/05/2015 21:05

How can I find you on facebook or Skype?
Traffic Value: $285.59089 Greece
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01/05/2015 21:13

You do need a resistance, so you can play in between, and according to the buying or selling power, that border you make, has to move upwards or downwards.

You are smart.
Traffic Value: $30,993.31104 United States
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01/05/2015 21:26
I'm the onend who listed passive-earner.Com on our monitor.

I also placed $900 bet that it will continue.
And bought premium days for the next 364 days.

My fb is on there.
And I rarely use Skype.
Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
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01/05/2015 21:28
boring day on the market grin
Traffic Value: $30,993.31104 United States
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01/05/2015 21:32
@Stra, yes!

and with a 1% gap, just the littlest movement causes profit..
every now and then a wall breaks. Just rebuild and quarantine
Traffic Value: $895.87705 Spain
0 like this post 1 people
01/05/2015 21:40

1% profit causes you. the small investor with a 10% pay per sale only affects you . It seems to be what you want.
Traffic Value: $1,625.74344 Pakistan
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01/05/2015 21:44
what happened to 51k roadblock at 0.0485? was that eaten or been cancelled at last moment?tongue
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