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Fun Started again

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Traffic Value: $1,793.38751 Italy
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01/05/2015 14:37
I don't care if it's going up or down, just move it smile
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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01/05/2015 15:04
Yeah move it and tell me which direction ahead of time...I'll quickly place my sell bid or if the roadblocks are eaten, I'll help on the buy side (esp if you let it go back up so I can resell those I just bought) and use them to help buy again.
Traffic Value: $285.59089 Greece
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01/05/2015 15:12
For a moment i thought my pc screen was frozen.
Then i realized the market is that stable.
Traffic Value: $30,993.31104 United States
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01/05/2015 15:36
Game on!

Traffic Value: $1,625.74344 Pakistan
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01/05/2015 16:15
what a dead market at the moment, no change in shares after 70k roadblock at 0.0488$.angry
Traffic Value: $14,551.54628 Belgium
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01/05/2015 16:29
So ? We  move up or down ? grin
Traffic Value: $1,130.42206 United States
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01/05/2015 16:36
Cheers passivetools!
Traffic Value: $285.59089 Greece
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01/05/2015 16:42
Guys i have a question.

How can one sell (or buy) bulk shares in the current market value, without having to accept every bidder's order?

Let's say someone wants to sell 5000 shares.
Must he sell bidder by bidder, or is there some other way he can sell all of them immediately?

Thanks in advance.
Traffic Value: $32,608.39303 Germany
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01/05/2015 16:51
@ stra: scroll down to: "I would like to sell" give in the amount of shares you want to sell and the price you want to have. Than just wait until all are sold.
Traffic Value: $285.59089 Greece
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01/05/2015 17:00
Thanks mio2815, but i Knew that.
It's about placing an order to buy or sell.

But what if someone wants to sell (or buy) a large amount of shares immediately no matter what the price.

Does he have to go through accepting bids, bidder by bidder?
Traffic Value: $32,608.39303 Germany
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01/05/2015 17:05
stra: Well if you want your order to be filled immediately you need to make it lower (to sell) or higher (to buy) then the current bids. The bigger the diference the faster it gets filled.
Traffic Value: $285.59089 Greece
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01/05/2015 17:08
Thank you
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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01/05/2015 17:11
You place a bid "no higher than" in those fields right on the same page as the actual listings.

So, then even if the price is 4.8x, but you have enough money, that you were willing to use, to all those individuals to bring it up, for at least a brief momemt you will see a gap btwn 4.8x and what you final price was.

I'm not sure, but technically, you could place say 10 shares max of $1, with only a balance of 50c, and you'd buy only 10 shares.

The sell shares is the same thing but in reverse.

This is mainly how you see in a blink of eye moves esp with gaps.
Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
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01/05/2015 17:18
ok, Im here for today's show. When does it begin? cool grin
Traffic Value: $2,351.73368 Slovenia
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01/05/2015 17:19
Ok guys grin

Now tell me when tha fun will start again grin
I`ll make myself a pizza and start selling and buying shares tongue
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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01/05/2015 17:25
I've got to leave, for roughly 1-2hrs, I do have some low and high bids in (ones I left for while I was asleep), if there's movement, I hope those are solid bids.
Traffic Value: $2,351.73368 Slovenia
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01/05/2015 17:27
So guys just one question grin

Ihave 17.000k much do you think i should sell now ?
Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
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01/05/2015 17:34
passive is blocking it at 83 and 82, mabye some more lower. 17k wont drop it much now :p
Traffic Value: $3,717.06732 Spain
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01/05/2015 17:40
If you think shares should go up, why do you have a roadblock of 100.000 shares at $0.055 and another one of 2,339.839 at $0.056?
Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
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01/05/2015 17:49
its boring, noone dumping shares sad
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