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Tuesday Mar 11th News

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Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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11/03/2014 11:40
Todays fast tracks have been sent.

PaidVerts Launch Countdown:
7-17days (10days until the $2000 speed bonus expires)

PaidVerts is getting super close! Unless there are delays, which will save us $2000, then it should launch sometime next week. So that's win win!

I'm going to try and get one of my useless laptops to install a bitcoin client today. And we'll begin manually accepting that as a deposit method. (We'll ask Paul to code in an official system after PaidVerts)... but for now; i'll just add deposits to your earnings balance. And you can cashout via support ticket.

And i've found that BitCoin is free to exchange for just about any e-currency. So if we accept that; there's very little risk even with its volatile nature, and it'll also help our current e-currency imbalance. So that's handy!
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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11/03/2014 11:52
so you'll implement bitcoin use for paidverts only or mtv too?
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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11/03/2014 11:57
You'll be able to use it for both. It'll have unlimited permissions.
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
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11/03/2014 13:08
you could use it's a bitcoin processor with api to integrate
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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11/03/2014 15:06
We'll look into that later. Either use some standard API or create our own...

And i'm just looking at the bitcoin exchanges; they wouldn't be hard to build either. Only problem is the million laws around exchanging / money transfer stuff... Ashame, as that'd be easy money.
Traffic Value: $68.52568 United States
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11/03/2014 16:04
I doubt BitPay will approve MTV directly. (Simply because of the gambling, they're a US company, maybe PV though.)
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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11/03/2014 16:31
I doubt we'll use them. We'll design our own interface. Just make it more formal than support tickets. Bitcoin is tricky to automate with its volatility. A manual system gives us a much better safety net.
Traffic Value: $40,205.23673 United States
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11/03/2014 18:11
Pistas rápidas de hoy se han enviado.

PaidVerts Cuenta atrás:
7-17 días (10 días hasta que caduque el bonus de velocidad de 2,000 dólares)

PaidVerts es conseguir super cerca! A menos que haya retrasos, lo que nos permitirá ahorrar $ 2000, entonces se debe poner en marcha la próxima semana. Así que eso es ganar-ganar!

Voy a tratar de conseguir uno de mis ordenadores portátiles inútiles para instalar un cliente bitcoin hoy. Y vamos a empezar manualmente aceptar que como método de depósito. (Le preguntaremos a Pablo a codificar en un sistema oficial después PaidVerts) ... pero por ahora, voy a añadir los depósitos a su balance de resultados. Y usted puede reintegro a través de ticket de soporte.

Y me he dado cuenta que BitCoin es libre de intercambiar para cualquier e-moneda. Así que si aceptamos que, hay muy poco riesgo a pesar de su naturaleza volátil, y también va a ayudar a nuestra desequilibrio e-modernidad actual. Así que es muy útil!
Traffic Value: $68.52568 United States
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11/03/2014 19:36
Could someone who speaks spanish translate Carlos' post here:

Google translate did a pretty crappy job at it. XD
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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11/03/2014 19:58
He just said that he's always here, if you need anything, just say so.

He's recently bought some shares as now is a good time, and they're really cheap.

He's eagerly awaiting PaidVerts.

And if anyone wants to buy a big block of shares (I don't know how many) ; you should post your offer. As apparently one of the Spanish guys is looking to sell.
Traffic Value: $1,095,877.628 Canada
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11/03/2014 21:15
Well, what's the offer? Just wondering
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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11/03/2014 22:21
I'll ask for you.
But no idea why they wouldn't just list them for sale if they want to get rid of them.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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12/03/2014 12:11
Ah ok, basically there's ~10 Spanish guys that are looking to sell about 100,000 shares in total. I think they've given up after being with us since pre-launch. Fair enough!

Lousy timing of course, right on the brink of huge potential growth; but I understand people can't wait forever... Anyway, I've told them to list their shares for sale on the marketplace at whatever price points they're looking for... And I expect as we launch PaidVerts and the price wants to climb, we'll get them bought up.

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