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Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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10/02/2015 05:52
the programmers are most likely working in the database in order to provide a fix to the double bap thing... nothing to worry about.
Traffic Value: $2,799.27241 India
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10/02/2015 05:56
Agree with lali6757  Don't issue New ads until this BAP Loss and Duplication of BAP solved .. So many ads still left to click lol .. i feel like i don't have any real life time left lol tongue 
Traffic Value: $3,211.07643 Sri Lanka
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10/02/2015 05:57
Any Mod happens to know if PM Cashouts would be withheld until such time Yan guys issue is solved or things would roll out as usual?

Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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10/02/2015 06:01
Jo did not make it clear as of yet. PM staff seems to be cooperating so it should mean the investigation will be faster and easier than we first expected. I believe he will give us a position about it as fast as he is able to - for now I would avoid asking for PM cashouts or even using it to deposit money, to avoid any possible problem.
Traffic Value: $427.92279 Netherlands
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10/02/2015 06:02
So PerfectMoney is actually being very helpful. We've retrieved $134k of the stolen funds so far....
oh thank God  , Jo u are Great, keep going and retrieve all PV money,
Traffic Value: $593.70654 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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10/02/2015 06:02
Now I know too! wink ..all this before my first coffee... so please don't hold it against me guys angel
Traffic Value: $1,300.55437 India
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10/02/2015 06:11
lol guys my BAD deducted yesterday is 98,000 = 49$ ads

but i received 35.6$ ads 

I knew there is a problem going on

will admin fix it automatically or should we file a ticket saying this much bap deducted

like this many happened sad

Yep guys i did read wink Stay COOL!! <3
Traffic Value: $272.13825 United States
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10/02/2015 06:13
THere is a huge notification on the top of the forum.

I see you edited your post.  Read the big red box at the top of the forum.
Traffic Value: $2,799.27241 India
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10/02/2015 06:20

I did all deposit via PM yesterday , i hope i will not be in problem damn sad
Traffic Value: $35.73259 Russian Federation
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10/02/2015 06:21
Hello everyone. Admins, again you have happened? And it was all right. One gets the impression that your "database" hacked, and do what they want. Think for yourself from where did these ERRORS. I think that the problem is due to an unstable server operating system.
Hire a good programmer. Let him you customize the system. JO take to his work of the programmer from the company "Steam". I hope you know that it for companysmile
Traffic Value: $37.75147 Argentina
0 like this post 2 people
10/02/2015 06:22
Que van a devolver los BAP, jajaja que buen chiste, jamas van a devolver nada, es mas esto es lo mismo que paso el año pasado cuando decidieron quitar los BAP y darnos "Shares" o acciones como lo llamaron esa vez. Esto va mal, pero no tanto como digadz que ese si es un asalto a mano armada
Traffic Value: $504.87372 Venezuela
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10/02/2015 06:25
Claro que los van a devolver
Traffic Value: $2,652.68851 Viet Nam
1 like this post 1 people
10/02/2015 06:30
I lost 60$, - 330.000 BAp, but only 100$ in, WTF Jo?
Traffic Value: $443.26463 Indonesia
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10/02/2015 06:30
BAP beginning 197 600
BAP end 167 500
BAP consumption 30100 = $ 15.05
Total revenue $ 11.51
I lost + - $ 2.78

waiting .......
Traffic Value: $289.39829 India
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10/02/2015 06:31
I lost about 1000Bap
Traffic Value: $54.79383 India
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10/02/2015 07:35
thnx joe.........waiting for the great
Traffic Value: $13,281.88295 Pakistan
6 like this post 0 people
10/02/2015 07:47
Will guys Stop winning about BAP loss they know about that and they are working 24 a clock Sorry about i am being rude but i am tired of viewing more than 20 pages all of this while  its listed  on top of page that they know it

And good to know about PM solution hope we can recover more
Traffic Value: $4,392.68844 United Kingdom
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10/02/2015 07:51
Me too group 11 -  $52 short from ad issue hope we all get it back and our bap back too 
Traffic Value: $2,799.27241 India
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10/02/2015 07:51
Well i guess they did correct missing BAPS already , at least i am seeing for me .. 
Cause here is the start of yesterday before ad issues . 

Total BAP i had 1504054 and Now after all ads issued to me i have 1341431 
So total BAP got deducted  162623 BAPS but i guess they corrected the double BAPS deduction and gave me total 57952 BAPs addition , so total points issued 1562006 and now i have 1341431 BAP left so total deduction 220575 BAPS [ 71.15$ ] and i have ads worth 76.149$ now so yes i guess They corrected the issue for me at least i can say . smile Thanks . 

This Morning after i woke up i saw this worth ads to my account till now

Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
5 like this post 0 people
10/02/2015 08:11
My best guess as to what just happened has to do with a statement Jo maid when he posted the Daily ads chart:

Additionally, the programmers are about to upgrade the SSD's on our 3 database servers (as they're currently at 94%... There will be a short period of downtime with that - but I believe they're going to do the upgrade in such a way as to limit that downtime to a matter of minutes. So it shouldn't be an issue for you. (And if it takes more than an hour, we'll extend the ad timers)

What I think they did is swapped the drives hot, meaning they did not shut down the www servers when they pulled and swapped the drives. You can do this on a Unix/Linux based system.
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