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Feb 9th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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10/02/2015 00:21
@Deathcrow, there won't be any recycled ads if that's implemented. A member can simply click whatever ads he want since it's not going to consume his BAP if he doesn't click the others. So there won't be any use for an ad filter and no one's going to click the low ads at all since it's not going to consume their BAP anyway. Your suggestion will only increase the number of undelivered ads in the system.
Traffic Value: $519.58477 Serbia
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10/02/2015 00:25

it`s been one hack of a day !

hoping this new one`s gonna be just simple, boring and clickfull ....
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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10/02/2015 00:27
@Werebeast, as long as they're part of the Feb 9 daily ad issue, then yes.

@gloriabieser, I don't have a specific answer to your question. I haven't purchased the extension upgrade so I don't have first-hand experience as to whether or not it will extend the timer for the current ads you have already received. Perhaps someone who have purchased the upgrade can verify that for you.
Traffic Value: $197.64336 Venezuela
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10/02/2015 00:32
@yallit - Forum moderator

thanks again grin yes they all were sent from 18:00 to 21:00 on 09 february 2015 smile
Traffic Value: $156.9276 United States
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10/02/2015 00:33
If you sue iweb is there a backup plan for alternate hosting if they suspend account during lawsuit?
Traffic Value: $802.77441 United States
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10/02/2015 00:36
@yallit, I completely forgot about that somehow. Hah.  You're absolutely right.  

My "solution" would mess up how the whole system works while only fixing one bug that happens very rarely.  Oops.
Traffic Value: $1,133.25862 Ghana
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10/02/2015 00:41
@Werebeast - Thx a lot. I just did it, and yes, it worked. We have too much light-off in Ghana, it was necessary. @yallit - Thank you too, as always helpful, nice, friendly, and professional. I wish I could be like you. How did you learn this?
Traffic Value: $496.56049 United States
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10/02/2015 00:44
Reading through the latest PM/Yan update a few pages ago--I guess Perfect Money doesn't bother to hire native English speakers--or people who can spell. You had best be sure, JO, that you are actuall;y corresponding with real Perfect Money people.

Now if I got an email like this purporting to be from PAYPAL--it would be sent to their scam/phishing dept. Of course they DO TELL their customers that any misspelled/badly written emails are NOT from them...

As to the ad issue, so far no errors on viewing, but some duplicates of course. And missing BAP, but other than that, going well.
Traffic Value: $118.78723 United States
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10/02/2015 00:51
I have 2 questions I am fairly new to this site and have been wondering...what time do they send out the new ads or is it all day? Also with purchasing shares why did the shares plummit from .08 per share to like .05 per share not that im complaining because I am just buying them up just curious and I think this site should have a messenger group thing also that would be cool
Traffic Value: $197.64336 Venezuela
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10/02/2015 00:52
@ gloriabieser

man i know how it is that, because here in venezuela we get some power cuts from time to time too sad

but also i think you got confused sad i didnt answer any of your questions sad maybe you saw yallit answering me about my questions, and his answer to me was that as long they are of the same daily ad issue then yes. but that was his answer to me sad not me answering you, because i dont know about the ad timer extension. (thats why on yallit post u see @ werebeast grin ) anyways good luck on the power thing and on everything else grin
Traffic Value: $384.50396 United States
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10/02/2015 00:57
@ Werebeast

About $16 was from the big ads. Are you in group 7 because if you are there should be some big ads in there as well. I got 4 - $1 ads. And a couple of 20 cents ads. But most of mine were all 10 cents.
Traffic Value: $824.94077 Pakistan
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10/02/2015 00:58
I am in Group 7..
I clicked hundreds of ads and I was happy with big ad issue.
But when I reinvested to maintain my BAP then I lost more than $2 as Instead of consuming 2000 BAP for ad of $1 more than 2000 BAP are consumed. Please fix this and give my Profit.
Thank You Very Much..
Traffic Value: $272.13825 United States
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10/02/2015 01:00

Please read the big red box that has the information that's glaringly obvious before posting about it.  Well don't post asking for it anyway since once you read it you'll know that.
Traffic Value: $197.64336 Venezuela
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10/02/2015 01:00
thanks again for the data grin

it seems i got about the same: 4 adds at 1$ and one add at 0.4$ the rest on 0.1$
Traffic Value: $1,133.25862 Ghana
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10/02/2015 01:05
Werebeast - Oh, oops, but so I has a nice short chat with you, this was nice too. To be honest, here it is a daily thing with the electricity, it is done by the government, and it is daily. They rotate the different parts of the city, because they do not produce enough juice. They have received money for more power stations from the UN before, but this money disappeared in the very deep pockets of some of our lovely nice politicians. 

Rich people here all have generators, but we do not have the money for one yet, costs around $1,000.00 or so. The poorer areas are hit strongest (as usual), and I live in such an area, for this is the only place were we could afford the rent. This is why we had so much hope with Paidverts, and every set-back cuts us very hard. grin
Traffic Value: $1,717.8092 Canada
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10/02/2015 01:07
hey just wanna say love the idea of putting the announcement about the bap issue right on the front of the website. now people cannot miss the announcement. i would vote to do this with all issues that effect multiple users
Traffic Value: $197.64336 Venezuela
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10/02/2015 01:10
@ hlrive

the thing is i got a lot of 0.1ads, and between those and the duplicate bap thing i dropped from 360k bap  then 3 or 4 hours later i got the big ads. so i was wondering if the 4 -$1 where issued as group 6 (sub 360k) but if u were still group 7 (more than 360k) at the time u got the big ads then i got group 7 big ads smile
Traffic Value: $197.64336 Venezuela
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10/02/2015 01:13

ohh god tell me about it :S here we have something similar, not daily tho, but for some time it was daily. and is basically the same: politicians. 3 days ago i got a 7 and a half power cut by night omg. well i hope all get better for you. well for us smile and i think we should change the subject to pv before the kick us from this forum haha i mean, because when someone talk about politics it can get ugly grin

and yes, we have high hopes on paidverts grin being on countries where minimal montly payment its too low (on usd)
Traffic Value: $333.29676 Bangladesh
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10/02/2015 01:20
Please tell me admin, can i withdraw through PM today. as i know your pm account is in trouble.please reply me admin or moderator. can i withdraw to pm or not????
Traffic Value: $7.96362 United States
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10/02/2015 01:21
thing is in the states there is no minimal monthly revenue. you make what you make, and most employers pay less than a living wage, let alone enough to support a family. Theres also high taxes and everything is expensive. Court ordered services even want to make a profit, so they charge astronomical fees assuming everyone is wealthy.
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