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Traffic Value: $22.96321 Brazil
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09/02/2015 23:41
for life adrian.
Traffic Value: $103.04276 Indonesia
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09/02/2015 23:44
afieg, try to log in to gmail while captching, should be only one word, no typing needed even sometimes
Traffic Value: $7.96362 United States
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09/02/2015 23:45
clicking my group 1 0.005 ads for 2 hours now since i got home from work... also 115 remain...would almost be done if the 150 cap was set for all groups and not just the high end groups.
Traffic Value: $588.14759 United States
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09/02/2015 23:47

To be honest I think that you aren't cut out to be a mod. You just made a post alluding that the members that you deal with are just immature brats that you weren't trained to deal with. I honestly don't know how someone who makes comments like that is someone who is a moderator who is suppose to keep the peace in the forums.

Maybe it is because the staff wanted someone with a high traffic value to be a part of the mod group. To be honest it would serve people well to have someone who doesn't just jump the gun because you are annoyed by some members. You'd expect a level of maturity and authority out of forum moderators even if the dialogue you may receive isn't the brightest of the bunch.

Kinda the same situation with Catt removing "morning" post in the news updates. That over moderation of post creates a atmosphere that will just cause more problems. Hell, that alone can cause some members to say "screw this" and begin to speak negative of MTV and PV. Is that fair? No but you have to understand that as a mod or staff you have to be neutral and not combative with members. Who know you have "powers" now but that doesn't mean you have to flex your muscles after every little thing.
Traffic Value: $4,897.89575 Italy
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09/02/2015 23:49
Finally Yan is going to pay. Great job.
Traffic Value: $1,718.10269 Malaysia
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09/02/2015 23:51

good job admin, whether win or lose, the main point is get involved with the police based on the law. its a professional action.
Traffic Value: $75.77736 Argentina
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09/02/2015 23:55
I can request my payment via PM?

or are suspended payment requests?
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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10/02/2015 00:00
@backspacer, you can still make a withdrawal request.
Traffic Value: $197.64336 Venezuela
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10/02/2015 00:00
sorry to ask you again sad but how much of that amount u got from big ads? because i am afraid that between 1 cent ads and the duplicate bap thing i might have dropped to group 6 before the big ads sad ty
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
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10/02/2015 00:02

You may want to look into Paypal also, as Yan had talked about changing Paypal to Bitcoins using some other company as a go between in a thread about a month after he started working.

So maybe have the programmers search his posting history in the forum to find the post, and check with the company that he stated about any transactions potentially from Yan, or have Paypal do its own investigation about Yan's paypal account.
Traffic Value: $193.36103 Venezuela
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10/02/2015 00:03
friends understand your concern I am also going through it, but they should be aware that it is a system sometimes fails, patience moderators do not have access to the solution only informs us how things are going and said that between 12 to 16 hours relaxation is solved all registered in their log nobody will lose their baps must rely on programmers solved this, do not despair nor believe confrontation with moderators who have neither guilt nor the tools to fix it.

amigos entiendo su preocupación yo también estoy pasando por eso, pero deben estar consiente que es un sistema y aveces falla, paciencia los moderadores no tienen acceso a la solución solo nos informa como van las cosas ya dijeron que entre 12 a 16 horas se soluciona relax, todo esta registrado en sus log nadie va a perder sus baps debemos confiar en que los programadores solucionaran esto, no desesperen ni creen confrontación con los moderadores que no tienen ni la culpa ni las herramientas para solucionarlo. 
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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10/02/2015 00:03
@Werebeast, did you get a bunch of $0.05 ads or $0.1? If it's $0.05 ads, then you received Group 6 ads. If the ads you got consists of a lot of $0.1 ads, then you got Group 7 ads.
Traffic Value: $197.64336 Venezuela
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10/02/2015 00:09
yallit - Forum moderator

thank you very much for the info wink yes they are 0.1 ads

one last question: if after receiving a lot of 0.1 ads (like 2 hours or more) i receive some big ads, those ads are still considered group 7? or if by the bunch of 0.1 ads i drop, then i receive a big ad, those big ads will be from group 6? or 7? 
ty again smile and sorry for bothering you with these questions smile
Traffic Value: $75.77736 Argentina
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10/02/2015 00:10
@yallit Thank you.
Traffic Value: $4,897.89575 Italy
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10/02/2015 00:10
Mytrafficvalue's main programmers are Daniel, Paul and Alex. I would keep an eye on the others too.
Better safe than sorry.
Traffic Value: $802.77441 United States
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10/02/2015 00:14
I think a possible solution to prevent people from losing BAP without ever receiving an ad (or the money from it) is to change where the BAP deduction takes place.  By this I mean have the BAP deducted from a person's account at the same time money is added to their account for completing a paid ad.  

If a bug like this were to happen again where ads are duplicated then the following would occur:
1) Two of the same ad are received.
2) User clicks one, confirms it, has BAP deducated, receives money.
3) User clicks the other, gets error since it has been completed, no BAP deducted, no money received.

Does this make sense?  I think it would save the staff's time in the future as well as our own time. smile
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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10/02/2015 00:14
@Werebeast, Whatever group you're in when Jo post the breakdown of earnings, that's what the system will count as your group. So regardless if your BAP goes down to a lower group while the ads are being issued, you will still receive all the ads sent to your original group.
Traffic Value: $7.96362 United States
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10/02/2015 00:19
i think the reason for the BAP coming out when the ad is issued is to make it so that only active members are continuing to receive ads as eventually the daily issue will consume their BAP all the way down to 0 preventing the idle accounts from hogging ads.
Traffic Value: $197.64336 Venezuela
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10/02/2015 00:19
@yallit - Forum moderator

thank you again smile so even if i receive a lot of 0.1 ads then 2 or 3 hours after that i receive big ads, those are still considered of the group i was before the 0.1 ads were issued? even if its 2 or 3 hours later? 
Traffic Value: $1,133.25862 Ghana
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10/02/2015 00:20
@yallit - Forum moderator - Hello yallit, I need a little info from you please. I may not be able to click all my ads, because we have light-off again in Accra, and I do not know when electricity will come back, and my laptop battery lasts only 30 minutes. If I buy this ad extension with 24 hrs now, will this extent the ads that are in my account now?

Or will it only start with the next ad issue? Thx  
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