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Traffic Value: $910.14287 Lithuania
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09/02/2015 22:29
Umm.. don't want to be rude or cause any more trouble, but group 9th should have gotten over $65, and I only collected $55.99, well in ads it would be ~$58.93 (cause of 5% to upline). So I am missing a few dollars here. 
As I said I am not going to cause trouble for that but still why can't it be 100% right and true? These small things irritate, and it doesn't really add any confidence to this business.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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09/02/2015 22:31
There are still a few million ads in the queue that you might get.
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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09/02/2015 22:31
@martis, read the big announcement box above.
Traffic Value: $910.14287 Lithuania
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09/02/2015 22:32
Thank you for the fast reply. Gonna visit paidverts tomorrow and see maybe there are some leftover ads.
Traffic Value: $519.58477 Serbia
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09/02/2015 22:33

besides double and triple Ads issues... there are also automatically recycled ads that users didn`t click and still Baps were deducted...

just a reminder for that...since i see that it is not mentioned those other...

thank you.
Traffic Value: $893.48155 Slovenia
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09/02/2015 22:34
@slosumo does that mean we might still get those ads that we were credited for but never came in? For me 8.5$ ad.
Traffic Value: $156.93866 United States
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09/02/2015 22:35
@SloSumo Is Jo sending the other 500k after next server time,later or tomorrow? Just curious. I'm happy with my ads today,was just curious. Thanks and also thank you for keeping us informed.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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09/02/2015 22:36
not this week for sure... maybe the next one
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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09/02/2015 22:36

I am thinking the auto recycled ads were the duplicate ads since nobody would be able to view them anyways. 
Traffic Value: $519.58477 Serbia
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09/02/2015 22:38
sory but i didn`t understand that...

in my case... i was BAP-deducted twice for the same 1.8$ ad that i didn`t get to click (not even once)...since it got recycled.
Traffic Value: $1,026.08281 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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09/02/2015 22:38

I don't know how to crone and other system works, but my opinion is that system recognized duplicated and tripled ads and because that we don't receive all amount of ads...this is just my opinion
Traffic Value: $384.50396 United States
3 like this post 0 people
09/02/2015 22:39
@ jagodinac123

Yeah I think I had that issue as well. After buying the new ad packs I still have 7000 bap less then before I started clicking. So yeah I think we all had the issue but I am not worried, not for now. I am still in group7.

Before I started clicking ads: 457,358 baps

After clicking and buying 16 ad packs: 450,478

So yeah it hit me to LOL The good thing is that when they fix the issue, I will be sitting here spinning around in my seat saying wee.grin And truthfully I am not worried about when it gets done, I am still in my group.

Thanks guys for posting the admin post at the top.
Traffic Value: $137.06133 Serbia
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09/02/2015 22:39
Thats right , we want stability cool
Traffic Value: $650.61795 Mexico
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09/02/2015 22:40
Thanks for the warning about discounts baps, good to know that you are working on it. Thank you very much indeed for being in constant contact. No stop. And for the other users of this forum, please understand this and stop writing comments misplaced. Jo is reporting, so any negative comment worsens the situation. Keep Calm and see that everything is solved, as has always been in the company.
Traffic Value: $384.50396 United States
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09/02/2015 22:41
@ jagodinac123

Some of mine disappeared before I even saw them I would look at how many were left click on an ad and when I went back it would be down 2 ads rather then 1 ad. And in one case 5 ads just went poof.
Traffic Value: $519.58477 Serbia
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09/02/2015 22:43
as i said...
some were more, some were less happier...
Traffic Value: $893.48155 Slovenia
4 like this post 0 people
09/02/2015 22:43
hrjustinptc not exactly true smile I got 2x 17k bap deducted but didnt get ad for that.
Traffic Value: $588.14759 United States
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09/02/2015 22:43
I appreciate the forum but I also went ahead and sent in a ticket just in case I needed to have stuff corrected manually for me.

Missing about $7 and I see that I have gotten ads several times and they have recycled automatically. Gonna wait two more hours or so and then make note of how much I am missing and all of that stuff.

I know that PM is taking pretty much the full attention of staff but there are certainly other areas that need attention too. Sucks that all of this happened at once but hey that is the way life does us sometimes.
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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09/02/2015 22:43
basically some ads got cloned only one of each cloned ad can be viewed. So the rest might have already been recycled as a first step towards refunding the BAP. This is just a guess based on the fact that ive viewed nearly all my ads without running into ones that wont credit. My balance ad view history does not show duplicates either.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
7 like this post 0 people
09/02/2015 22:44
slosumo said there are ads still pending to be delivered........................
and the recycled ads are part of the double charging problem and will be fixed...
Why are you panicky?
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