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Feb 1st: Liquidity Report + News

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Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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01/02/2014 14:07

Pending Cashouts: $221.39
Account Balances: $3165.17994
Pending Share Bid Escrow: $624.723
Rolling Reserve: $2676.79052
Available Dev Funding: $2819.34
Lotto Prize Fund: 110.78234
STB Prize Fund: 98.21842
Three Towers Prize Fund: 4.6325
Pending Monitor Listings: 10.00
Experimental Fund Active Capital: 1000.20
Total: $10,731.25672


STP Balance: $4,517.75
EGO Balance: $851.42
PM Balance: $1909.40
Carlos EUR: $3,361.33 (2492.12 euros)
Carlos USD: $805
Exp Fund Operating Balance: $1069 USD
Costs Not Assigned to Portfolio Yet: $20.00
Total: $12,533.9

The above should be taken as a guide.
It's really hard to gather so many data points all at once, without something changing half way through. Secondly, there are a few tiny sums missing from this. Like the experimental fund refund pool; which I won't know how much it is until after the end of server day today. But I know its only a few dollars.

Anyway, as you can see above, we're currently more than liquid. So that's good!


Todays News:

The first fast track payments will be sent out on February 5th, as per our new 7 day rolling reserve.

The shareholder marketplace is back in business.

And we're currently testing 3-5-7 Poker on the development server. But it looks good. So I imagine we'll be putting that live any day now.

This weekend I will finish off the PaidVerts spec, with the intention of getting Brian started on that for Monday.

And if you spot any bugs with the website, please post them here:

Jo smile
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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01/02/2014 14:35
I don't follow the part of carlos funds?
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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01/02/2014 14:37
Basically what we're holding in the bank accounts.


And I just thought, I missed one off our liabilities; the voting game active votes... I don't actually have a stat for that, but looking at it - its only about $7. No biggy.


But yea, MTV is pretty darn tiny right now. But I suppose to be expected; we're basically 3-4days old. So 10k in assets isn't bad.

Need to get people investing $5 every single day. Currently it seems we have 20-30 people doing that. Need to snowball that count up to 1000, and then we'll be laughing!

But I don't suppose that'll really start happening until at least the middle of next week. When we start paying people; and people can see that people are earning double money in a week!

Jo smile
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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01/02/2014 14:51
MTV could snowball right now but I expect Paidverts and MMG to be build quick, very quick. And I wish the ref-com works quickly. 
The casino-site could snowball us when managed correctly, paidverts will most likely stall very soon, while the casino can bring in consistent income.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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01/02/2014 15:05
I don't think Paidverts will stall. I'm thinking the opposite... The fact ads recycle every 18hours, means people are going to miss clicking on so many of them.

And my main 'concern' is that people will have to work "too hard" for their money... Like if 1000 ads get directed at you; your entire return might be right there in front of you; but you gotta view a lot of ads to get it.

But I guess that'll happen in cycles...
First you get flooded with tiny value ads. Until people give up and sacrafice their returns. After those ads recycle 24x ... they go back to the daily issue pool. And then we can issue higher denomination ads, knowing there are only a few active investors, and TONS of money in the system.


The casino I don't think will be a lot more productive than the MTV games are right now... Sure the packaging will help promote the games. But we've got to build a lot bigger & better before we can compete with mainstream online casinos.

But at the same time, whilst casino games aren't likely to be an instant hit / mega money maker. They're all solid investments, as they'll definitely return their 3.6x costs - slowly but surely if nothing else.
Traffic Value: $182,371.42148 Macedonia
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02/02/2014 04:09
I have an idea about the MTV (casino) games! I think it can work quite good. Why don't we make a separate casino site that accepts bitcoins, Litecoin, Doge, PM with the games we have? If you see what kind of gambling sites support these virtual currencies than you will see that most of them look quite crappy and the competition is not strong. So I think the moment is right and that we can think in this direction. What do you think about this? 
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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02/02/2014 08:21
A site like that is already in the pipeline - search MoneyMyGame on the forums and you can see what it will look like etc. But first big project is PaidVerts then MoneyMyGame should follow.
Traffic Value: $0.2973 Germany
1 like this post 2 people
02/02/2014 09:13
Jo, you are satisfied with the result? 7 days after the new start you have $10.000 dept and $80 income from the products you built with the money you've got.  You admit, that it is not possible to earn money with the games. Why did you use the money to build useless product? You are a dreamer or a scammer. Never mind, you are not able to bring all investors in profit, not in one year and not in 10 years. MTV is a Hyip and after this restart only the first will earn like after the other restarts. And a lot of people will lose again. And the next swap will come in the next 6 month.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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02/02/2014 09:51
Off course no one is playing games/using other products after the value swap. Anyone who can see the current opportunity of early/plans, cheap shares puts any money they have into that. Plus with all the balances converted to shares it will take a while before we get a hefty user base that has available balances, that they can use for the games.
Traffic Value: $22,303.8091 Netherlands
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02/02/2014 10:28
Yes Jo, I have to wait till monday before I can put some money in the 186% plan, but then I will.
Traffic Value: $22,303.8091 Netherlands
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02/02/2014 10:37
Ah, I also saw you purged like 20k members ! smile Surely making MTV's appearance more realistic.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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02/02/2014 11:26
Our portfolio products made over $80,000 prior to the debt swap... And they are more than capable of delivering their 3.6x return on cost over 12-36months. So they're solid investments by any standard.

Usage is temporarily low post swap, as there are very few account balances with money in them (due to the swap). We also haven't started fast tracking people yet... And until people are earning, there is less money floating around the system that the games can leech from.

But I think MTV needs one huge product to really put it on the map. That'll either be a killer game, or more likely PaidVerts. Which is why that is the focus right now... Slow and steady investments are better for a more mature business. A startup needs to explode out of the gate! Or it's very difficult to grow.

In addition to that, we need to diversify the portfolio, and get it "outside" of MTV a bit. So that its revenues aren't so dependent upon the in-house MTV economy... As right now, if MTV slows down, so does our portfolio. And that's not ideal, as the portfolio is supposed to dig us out of slowdowns. But until we get the subsidiary businesses up and running; that's a known weakness. But again, that's being addressed now.

So, we've made some miss-steps, highlighted various weaknesses with our approach over the last couple years. And now we're making adjustments... Beyond that, we're just battling the usual story of limited financing to be able to make these good ideas reality... But bit by bit we'll get there. We started off with simple, attainable products. And now they're built, we'll begin getting a bit more adventurous!

Jo smile
Traffic Value: $40,205.23673 United States
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05/02/2014 18:15

Reintegros pendientes: $ 221.39
Saldos de cuenta : $ 3165.17994
A la espera de la subasta del fideicomiso Compartir : $ 624.723
Reserva del balanceo : $ 2,676.79052
Disponible Dev. Financiación: $ 2,819.34
Fondo Premio Lotto: 110.78234
Fondo Premio STB : 98.21842
Tres Fondo Torres Premio: 4.6325
En espera de Listados monitor : 10.00
Fondo Experimental Active Capital : 1000.20
Total: $ 10,731.25672


STP Balance: $ 4,517.75
EGO Balance: $ 851.42
PM Balance: $ 1,909.40
Carlos EUR: $ 3,361.33 ( € 2,492.12 )
Carlos USD: $ 805
Fondo Exp funcionamiento de la balanza : $ 1069 USD
Costes no asignados a la cartera embargo : $ 20.00
Total: $ 12,533.9

Lo anterior se debe tomar como guía.
Es muy difícil reunir tantos puntos de datos de una sola vez , sin cambiar algo a medio camino . En segundo lugar, hay algunas pequeñas sumas que faltan en esto. Al igual que la piscina de reembolso del fondo experimental ; que no sabré cuánto es hasta después de la final del día de hoy del servidor . Pero sé que está a sólo un par de dólares .

De todos modos , como se puede ver arriba , estamos actualmente más de líquido. Así que eso es bueno!


Noticias de hoy :

Los primeros pagos acelerados serán enviados el 5 de febrero , de acuerdo con nuestro nuevo 7 días de reserva rodante .

El mercado de los accionistas está de vuelta en los negocios.

Y estamos probando actualmente 3-5-7 Poker en el servidor de desarrollo. Pero se ve bien. Así que me imagino que va a poner que viven en cualquier momento.

Este fin de semana voy a acabar con la especificación PaidVerts , con la intención de conseguir Brian comenzó el que para el lunes.

Y si ves algún error con el sitio web , por favor publicarlos aquí:

Jo smile
Forum - News - Feb 1st: Liquidity Report + News
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