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Daily News: Thursday 30th January 2014

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30/01/2014 13:54
The first fast tracks won't be paid until February 5th. As per our new 7day rolling reserve system.

I've opened a new Bugs List topic in the forum; if you spot any issues with the site, please post them there and you'll earn a $1 finders fee:

There was no referral commission paid on yesterdays tiny experimental fund result. Due to a bug there. We can't really do much about that; but the issue should be fixed now. And with todays results referral commissions will roll like normal (hopefully!)

Today we're looking into a few more bugs and little refinements; and I think there may be an issue with the gaming referral commission. But we'll sort that out.

And I'll get back to you tomorrow with actual development news. As there's a few bits in the immediate pipeline... And there should be 2, possibly 3 games coming before the end of February... And PaidVerts is about to begin construction! So that'll be a huge step forward for this business as that goes live.

But things are squeeky clean right now, liquidity is good, and nothing is fcked up yet. Happy days wink ... I'll do the first little liquidity report tomorrow. It won't really prove anything to anyone; but it helps keep everything in check, and up to date on my end of things!

Jo smile
Forum - News - Daily News: Thursday 30th January 2014
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