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12th July - News

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Traffic Value: $944.5882 Czech Republic
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13/07/2016 18:42
DVD on MTV ))) 
Traffic Value: $1,190.2111 Russian Federation
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13/07/2016 20:13
Hot right now - On MTV!
Buy shares - until too late!!
Tomorrow will be a great day of MTV.
Traffic Value: $232.85087 Romania
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13/07/2016 20:22
why i sell rp's? angel
Traffic Value: $51.364 Venezuela
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13/07/2016 20:33
[Edited by Mod Team: If you want to talk in Spanish, please do it here.]
Traffic Value: $1,190.2111 Russian Federation
7 like this post 0 people
13/07/2016 20:35
I also sold all my rp's and a few hours after, bought them back at a higher price grin
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
2 like this post 0 people
13/07/2016 23:21
3215! big surprise
Traffic Value: $837.89177 Spain
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14/07/2016 00:20
please banned

User ID 2884286
Referrer portfolio
Country BD

Referrals for TASLIMA_BEGM

Level 1 (543)

and more.....................

PD: ah ok, me and realize now that all their referrals were already eliminated leaving only the main account, well done, this is no time to lose users, web traffic is web traffic that is always good, but traps multiaccounts


me and I realized that these multiaccounts users invent strange names with some symbols so (_) to the panel shareholder does not appear reflected their own, only with a search of the nick without selecting the exact search will show results, it is clear that they are attempting to register in an attempt to concealment panel shareholder with those names that makes them remain hidden.

because there are nicks appearing hidden and can not be searched on the panel selected shareholder if the search for an exact name (Exact match selected)?

I think that all users would have to be viewable on the panel for full transparency and equal conditions for all.
Traffic Value: $837.89177 Spain
9 like this post 0 people
14/07/2016 03:03

they come
Traffic Value: $14,436.60075 Turkey
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14/07/2016 05:06

Since you like to observe my moves, stock up on those RP's buddy!

I just did smile.

-You currently own 359,824 royalty positions -
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
18 like this post 0 people
14/07/2016 06:39
I have just defaulted the top banner to a PV banner.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
6 like this post 0 people
14/07/2016 06:43
We really need a preapproval process to any uploaded banners.
Maybe a 100 vote, 1 BAP earned per unique vote, side page on PV that handles all banner approval processing. 75% approves, 25-75% refers for staff decision, 25% disapproves.
Traffic Value: $95.15524 Venezuela
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14/07/2016 06:45
slosumo: Thank you.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
7 like this post 0 people
14/07/2016 06:57
Another option is to add a 'Flag this banner' tag under any banner displayed which will create one 'unique per campaign' shareholders edit entry for the campaign in question, which shareholders can then directly decide upon by approving or disapproving the flag (subject to punishment for abuse).
Traffic Value: $4,969.3683 Spain
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14/07/2016 07:32
What will antoncar do with his 11.000$ and the following 13.000$? Buying a bunch of shares? Hehehe
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
19 like this post 0 people
14/07/2016 07:41
He cashes it out. We're paying him through Neteller without it showing on the portfolio.

Neteller is harder to use for us because it has IP restrictions.. So this is the best method to "get rid of most of it" as the amount of cashouts through neteller is SO little.

This is one of Carlos' personal friends.. But he will pay the same fees like everyone else.
Traffic Value: $4,969.3683 Spain
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14/07/2016 07:50
@Marcdekoning I thought it was the Portuguese. Who's it then?
Traffic Value: $22,303.8091 Netherlands
10 like this post 0 people
14/07/2016 08:05
I am refreshing the forum feverishly despite Marc saying that would be pointless cool grin
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
8 like this post 0 people
14/07/2016 08:23
and in the meantime the share price keeps rising smile
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
15 like this post 0 people
14/07/2016 08:27
The portuguese investor is fjps.
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