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MY TAP (My Traffic Ads Pay)

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Traffic Value: $345.42475 Sri Lanka
1 like this post 0 people
12/05/2016 16:58

!!!--- Update ---!!!

We got 1000 Registrants in our official group as well. That would be an amazing job guys!
Thank you everyone who decided to promote us.

Now our site is 100% functioning. Cronjobs are working correct and our ad spaces are seems very demand now. wink emoticon
All new joiners are welcome to the group. We hope to add Payza payment processor in next 2 weeks of time.
Anyway you can earn freely by watching our PTC section and you can earn free advertising credits by viewing our banner ads as well.
If you have any doubt about the business model, don't hesitate to contact us via a support ticket or contact one of us here.
Administration Team
Traffic Value: $804.38371 India
2 like this post 0 people
14/05/2016 09:07
Charitha Athukorala
Yesterday at 4:33am
!!!--- Google Adsense (Update) ---!!!
Our Adsense review level 2 (manual review) has been failed. They gave us few suggestions and we are working on them now. Until we get google adSense approval to the site we are checking alternative ad networks such as CHITIKA, ADSTERRA, and ADVERSAL.
We will definitely add google adSense to the MyTrafficAdsPay as soon as possible. (Most probably we will go with CHITIKA at the moment).
Administration - MyTrafficAdsPay
Traffic Value: $345.42475 Sri Lanka
1 like this post 0 people
15/05/2016 12:13
!!!--- Payouts (15-06-2016) ---!!!
All withdrawals cleared till now and all support tickets answered.
Administration - MyTrafficAdsPay

Total Payouts
Traffic Value: $804.38371 India
2 like this post 0 people
15/05/2016 13:18

Thank You MYTAP..
My 1st withdrawal.
Traffic Value: $345.42475 Sri Lanka
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16/05/2016 15:48
$1000+ Paid 
Traffic Value: $345.42475 Sri Lanka
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17/05/2016 05:41
Traffic Value: $345.42475 Sri Lanka
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20/05/2016 16:52
Traffic Value: $345.42475 Sri Lanka
1 like this post 0 people
26/05/2016 10:34




6 WINNERS - $15, $10, $5


01ST OF JUNE, 2016

[Edited by Mod Team: Excess Formatting.
Traffic Value: $345.42475 Sri Lanka
0 like this post 0 people
03/06/2016 09:30
One person took 3 tickets and won the lottery for 2 tickets. That's what we called as LUCK!

Vote & Earn

Traffic Value: $345.42475 Sri Lanka
1 like this post 0 people
06/06/2016 18:02
!!!--- Good News Again ---!!!

Hi All,
Actually, this is one of the biggest hurdles we have passed so far. I am glad to say, we followed correct process, we didn't do photoshop business registrations like some other programs do. Because, we didn't want to risk our business.

Sometimes people might think we are joking, and we are losers. But today we proud to say, Payza approved our business and now we can use FULL INTEGRATED system to do business via Payza as a payment option.
I am glad to say, honest wins again. We always believe every business needs to be an HONEST and a GENUINE one. Cheating, and tricking is not a good way to do any kind of business.

You must understand that, MYTRAFFICADSPAY built for members who are willing to do a genuine and a long-term business. We won't show you a Fancy world of revshare. Because, we won't labelled ourselves as scammers or cheaters. We won't feed referral junkies (people who promote whatever sh!t only for their advantage we call as referral junkies) from your funds.

I am proud to say that, today we got BUSINESS approval from PAYZA. But we are not allowing you to use Payza as a payment option until 10th of June, 2016.

10th of June, 2016 we will do a structural change, because we believe this industry needs a longterm business with low risk of fail.

Finally, I am using this space to give a special thank to my friend, and one of the member of administration - Prabodha Chamith, for his enormous effort to bring Payza as a payment option. Without his effort we can't add Payza as a payment option today.

10th of June, 2016 We - MyTrafficAdsPay will introduce you a change which can help us to remain in this business domain for years and centuries at all.

*** Tomorrow there is a server migration happen.

Thanks and Best Regards,
Charitha Athukorala - A Member of Administration (MyTAP)

Traffic Value: $345.42475 Sri Lanka
1 like this post 0 people
22/06/2016 14:52
New ad packs introduced. 
Traffic Value: $345.42475 Sri Lanka
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25/06/2016 07:56
!!!---Cash Links (FAQ) ---!!!
Hi All,
People frequently asking the same questions regarding about Cash Links. Therefore, I have decided to give you a brief idea how it works in MyTAP.

What is Cash Links?
Cash link is a subset of PTC advertising.

Why it mixed with PTC advertising?
As we said before Cash Link is a subset of PTC advertising, so we decided to mix Cash Links with existing PTC advertising of the system.

What is the different between Cash Links and regular PTC ads?
Regular PTCs gives you $0.001 (minimum) to $0.005 (maximum) per click, but Cash Links give you $0.01 (minimum) to $0.05 (maximum) per click. (Total - $0.1 per day)

Why Cash Links appear time to time?
Based on daily click limit it can appear time to time. Most probably it will appear 2 times per day.

Is it paying to the same processor?
Unfortunately NO, the payment will go to advertisers paid processor.
Example:- If advertiser paid via Payza, the click price will be added to your Payza wallet balance.

Monitor Listing:

Thanks and Best Regards,
Administration MyTAP
Traffic Value: $345.42475 Sri Lanka
0 like this post 0 people
26/07/2016 05:59
!!!--- Important Update (Refund Process) ---!!!
*** Please be kind enough to read the whole message first before your next comment ***
Hi All,
We have decided to shift our business from MyTAP to *****. (We will tell you when it is ready)

Why we decided to shift?
In last couple of months we were seeking a real advertising platform with something new and now we found that. So, we have decided to begin our new journey with that platform.

Refund Process, Are you sure?
Yes, when we launched MyTAP we never ever promised you anything. But unlike most other promisive scams we are processing 110% refunds of EVERY Member, who Added Funds and Purchased Revenue Sharing AdPacks.

Why we process refunds?
Basically, we are not scammers. We are Sri Lankans and won't make mess on our country name at first. At second we won't labelled our names as scammers, we know how hard we made our names as online marketers and owners of online businesses. Moreover, we are trying to do something genuine, something real, something long-term (with this project - mytap we stayed short-term)

What will happen next?
01. Processing refunds everyday (Until all members get paid)
02. Planning and Finalizing the new project
03. After the refund process we will reset the database of MyTAP
04. Sell this script (This is well customized script and we will sell it in cheap price, so you can place your bid)
05. Launch the new project
06. If new buyer of MyTAP needs our help, we will give our 100% contribution freely.
07. Until our new project launch we will support few online businesses as well.

What will happen to PTC clickers?
MyTAP Basic rule, Add Fund is a must to get paid. it is clearly defined and business is attached with it too.

Our Next?
Yes, it should be a big one. It will contain a lot of features. You must ready for a big launch with a big project.

Best Regards~
MyTrafficAdsPay - Administration Team
Traffic Value: $0.15 United States
0 like this post 1 people
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