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slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
70 like this post 3 people
14/03/2015 13:45
In order to prevent everyone spamming the forums with questions about the cash offers I've created this thread.

Please not that any questions/issues with specific cash offers should be reported to the provider's support, the link to which can be found at the top of the provider's frame on PaidVerts.

General questions etc. can be posted here though.
Traffic Value: $864.59176 United States
46 like this post 2 people
14/03/2015 14:23
This should be a general/okay question to ask; at least, I hope? Does anyone else get anything for that HyprMX Video on the offer wall? I just get a blank screen?
Traffic Value: $304.2158 United States
33 like this post 4 people
15/03/2015 02:15
No, it's not just you. I also get a blank screen on that offer. I really hope they add a different offer wall. This one is a pain. I get credit for about half of the offers I do.
Traffic Value: $26.96221 Pakistan
36 like this post 2 people
15/03/2015 13:42
Tasks page is not showing crowdflower tasks
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
28 like this post 3 people
18/03/2015 12:57
there aren´t crowdflower tasks as of yet... the tasks page you see in there is for and at least for me (Brazil) I never saw tasks in
Traffic Value: $115.47321 Pakistan
32 like this post 3 people
18/03/2015 13:12

Same in pakistan too...
Traffic Value: $236.43453 Azerbaijan
29 like this post 1 people
21/03/2015 16:36
Azerbaijan money did not comecwy
Traffic Value: $142.42291 Germany
27 like this post 0 people
21/03/2015 17:49
did only got the money for one offer although i have done many -.-
Traffic Value: $912.42892 United Kingdom
24 like this post 0 people
21/03/2015 23:28
Does anyone know how to get back onto a survey that was half completed?  My pc froze and there does not seem to be anyway of going back to a survey that is half done.

Could really do with a 'Revisit this offer' link unless I am missing it somewhere.
Traffic Value: $6,467.88006 Germany
24 like this post 0 people
22/03/2015 02:51
You can't resume a survey on these offerwalls.
Traffic Value: $118.91865 Pakistan
17 like this post 1 people
23/03/2015 13:48
Hey i am new on  Paidverts .What is cashoffer CAN EXPLAIN SOME ONE
Traffic Value: $142.42291 Germany
18 like this post 0 people
23/03/2015 17:02
i did not recieve the money for big farm and my free zoo any other with the same problem?
Traffic Value: $3,059.81852 United States
20 like this post 1 people
23/03/2015 17:18
@mussy16 They are basically what they sound like. They are offers, surveys/videos/sign up for websites that you can complete for cash. They are based on location, so like for the United States, we have tons of offers, where as as @Catt said, Brazil doesn't seem to really get a lot if any.
Though having trying to do multiple ones for, i'm not the biggest fan of them. I only get paid for about half the stuff I do while the other half doesn't recognize that I have done it, or they tell me after I have finished it that this offer has been remove so I will not be payed for it.
Hopefully will the adding of new sites it will get better, and there will be more and better offers that paid every time you do one.
Traffic Value: $3,225.15936 Thailand
17 like this post 1 people
25/03/2015 17:34
I 've done a lot of offer. But lately when new offer come .When I click it .It go to some link in chinese .Anyone know what does it means ? or that's offer not available in my area? or I have to register to that chinese website. ermm
Traffic Value: $412.53078 Bulgaria
16 like this post 1 people
26/03/2015 11:39
Thank you for participating in this survey!
We apologize, but unfortunately we were unable to redirect or reward you for this survey at this time.
Reason: Your profile did not match the demographics targeted by this survey.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
16 like this post 1 people
26/03/2015 11:49
as I said in the daily news, offers/surveys are not available to some countries...being from Brazil I am familiar with those rejections.. nothing that can be done, sadly.
Traffic Value: $412.53078 Bulgaria
12 like this post 1 people
26/03/2015 11:51
Ok but for which country it is allowed? I have the feeling that is only USA and Canada
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
13 like this post 0 people
26/03/2015 12:13
most offers are for usa and canada, indeed... I get some surveys for Brazil as well so I suppose occasionaly other countries do too
Traffic Value: $519.58477 Serbia
13 like this post 0 people
26/03/2015 12:17

i personally haven`t found the exact list of countries...but a lot of them (our balcan usually) is excepted...and usually nothing special for us is offered.

so just try if it works...if not...nevermind...

i found useless for me... and now I see Adscendmedia is useless too...
but what the heck... our guys are trying anything they can...

thumbs up!
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
14 like this post 0 people
26/03/2015 12:17
sadly its the case with most of them for us non us citizens sad But as you said, they are trying smile
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