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Where is my referral?

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Traffic Value: $35.34043 Sweden
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24/08/2014 07:50
Hi, my friend joined paidverts with my referral link yesterday. But I did not get no referral. Is it taking a few days or is it some bug?

Thankfull for reply,
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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24/08/2014 08:38
It is instant. Did he confirm the sponsor? Could be he viewed the site before from someone else's link and it was still in his cache/cookies.
Traffic Value: $303.22909 Belgium
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24/08/2014 09:14
Tell your friend to go to my account and than to account data (on PaidVerts), there he can see who his sponsor is.
Traffic Value: $35.34043 Sweden
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24/08/2014 10:31
Okay thanks, I'll tell him!

Hm but, I put my reflink in the searchbar. And when I pressed enter, the /re/"username" disappeared. Is that supposed to happen?
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
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24/08/2014 10:38
welcome to our community

to add already answer...If the referrer is "Jo" it can be changed with a support ticket, it could be happen if browser settings is set to clear all cookies when closed and then he visited again and setup the account

you cannot check reflink with the same browser you're logged into, logout or use another browser and then check again and it works
Traffic Value: $303.22909 Belgium
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24/08/2014 10:43
That seems normal also happens by me. But if there went something wrong it could have a lot of reasons. Most likely it's like slosumo said, that your friend didn't confirm(check a box) that you are his sponsor. In the best case than Jo will be set as his sponsor and maybe if he makes a support ticket, Jo will change the sponsor to you. But if there stays someone else as sponsor (except Jo) than it can't be undone. 
Traffic Value: $35.34043 Sweden
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24/08/2014 11:47
Thanks alot for all replys, Then I understand!
Just one more question, how do he get this support ticket? smile
Traffic Value: $35.34043 Sweden
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24/08/2014 12:11
Ah never mind! i know what it is now, thanks though!
Traffic Value: $303.22909 Belgium
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24/08/2014 12:15
There for you have to click on contact button in the menu on the top of the PV page. There you select a category in this case I think that would be "other" than you can give up a subject and your question. When there would be a bulk reply (a reply to the most common questions, but this will not answer your question), just reply to it and the ticket will be reopened. And after some time Jo will answer it (could take some time now a days).
Traffic Value: $35.34043 Sweden
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24/08/2014 14:35
That's what we did, thanks alot for the help guys!
I really appreciate it! smile
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