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Marc please have a look

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Traffic Value: $17,578.9192 Mexico
2 like this post 4 people
04/07/2017 16:21
Maybe Marc could save a little money by closing perfect money games and just adding perfect money to playbitcoin games and changing the name of the site a bit. it could save at least server cost and paying someone to manage it. focus on one external gambling site with all payment methods just makes more since to me and it's cost effective.
Traffic Value: $17,578.9192 Mexico
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04/07/2017 17:55
Really it's the exact same site with just different names. it would make more sense to just add perfect money to the other site and cut cost why spend money if you don't have too.
Traffic Value: $18.78983 Pakistan
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04/07/2017 18:19
Currently these are processor specific casinos. They will launch one all rounder casino soon!
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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04/07/2017 18:34
Jason77 i am sure there some logical reason from the business standpoint that we do not know about that make it a better deal to have them as two different site.
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
6 like this post 0 people
04/07/2017 18:37
The first reason is because they both have been optimized for different keywords. It's very hard to get a high rank for one site, for multiple very different keywords. Bitcoin games and perfect money games are really very different wink
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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04/07/2017 19:30
Perfect money is a niche market, one we conquer.

The users of both options are very different people.
Traffic Value: $17,578.9192 Mexico
2 like this post 0 people
04/07/2017 21:36
I understand that Marc just thought you could still market to both sides of the table just get rid of one site and market the one site in two different directions is all
Forum - Questions - Marc please have a look
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