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Welcome Guest - Login / Register Forum - News - Mar 16th - 5 days until PaidVerts!

Mar 16th - 5 days until PaidVerts!

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Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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16/03/2014 13:31
Todays fast tracks have been sent.

PaidVerts Launch Countdown:
5 days to go; Friday March 21st
(5days until the $2000 speed bonus expires)

MyTrafficValue is now accepting BitCoin:

There's not much news today, other than waiting on PaidVerts.

And whilst i'm waiting on that, i'm beginning work on our Terms and Conditions. I want to draft a bullet point version for how all aspects of My Traffic Value are intended to operate. And the general rules by which the system works, and that users and shareholders should abide by. Create some formal rules for how system change is implemented.

The first version is going to be very basic / crude. But I need to get the basic ideas down on paper (as there's an awful lot of them!) ; before we can have any hope of getting it professionally done; and in any sort of legally binding manner.

But I think this is an important step in building confidence for investors again. We need a clear framework for how MTV operates.

As I was thinking, MTV is constantly evolving; and people don't like change. But it's an absolutely fundamental pillar of MTV - to adapt, grow and develop... So whilst change is going to happen constantly; we can at least create a fixed system for how we go about that... So you have one constant even amongst the enver ending continuation of our systems evolution.
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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16/03/2014 19:48
Hey Jo,

I've got an idea.
about posting news in future, what do you say you create entirely new section just for posting news, updates, future plans and decisions regarding MTV and it's advance, I am not talking about like we have now you posting in forum section all the news, but like a new category which will be accessible from the home or front page(like "Live News", "Results", "portfolio" section etc.) lets call it just "News" or "News and Future plans" or "News and Announcements" or whatever... and all news, updates and info would be there on the front displayed for all members to see
I've been thinking this would be very good so people wouldn't have to dig for news and info all over forum so they'll have all news in one place.

I realize many people don't read news, just remind yourself how many people panicked when debt-swap happened and I guarantee it most of them panicked because they didn't read the news.
The way I see it, people are unaware of MTV's news and plans for future

I guess what I'm trying to say is, you should make all news and updates more accessible to members or something like that. Don't get me wrong, news on forum is a great thing(having ability to discuss about the news and members opinions) but I feel like news should be out there 1 click away from front/home page not 3-4 clicks...
Traffic Value: $27,232.49886 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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16/03/2014 21:24
Members are already 1 click away from news.
When you login, you can click on "Read today's forum report" link
and you are taken to latest daily news.

But I also agree that some important news should be immediately visible to members when they login.
Maybe pop-up window which appears after members login displaying all important info.
That way members are practically forced to read them.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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16/03/2014 21:30
For the moment we have the forum daily news... That's what it's for - to convey all the latest info and events.

Later I envisage some sort of active projects list... Where we can list all the things we're working on / brainstorming in their own thread... Especially once we get multiple teams building / managing completely seperate projects. But that's a little way down the road.
Traffic Value: $40,205.23673 United States
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16/03/2014 21:48
Pistas rápidas de hoy se han enviado .

PaidVerts Cuenta atrás:
5 días para ir, Viernes 21 de marzo
( 5 días hasta que el bonus de velocidad de 2.000 dólares expira )

MyTrafficValue está aceptando BitCoin :

No hay muchas noticias hoy , más que esperar en PaidVerts .

Y mientras yo estoy esperando a que me estoy empezando a trabajar en nuestros Términos y Condiciones. Quiero elaborar una versión viñeta de cómo pretenden todos los aspectos de mi Valor Tráfico de operar. Y las normas generales por las que el sistema funciona y que los usuarios y los accionistas deben cumplir. Cree algunas reglas formales sobre cómo se implementa el cambio de sistema .

La primera versión va a ser muy básico / crudo. Pero tengo que conseguir las ideas básicas en un papel ( ya que hay un montón de ellos!) ; Antes de que podamos tener alguna esperanza de conseguir que se haga profesionalmente , y en cualquier tipo de forma jurídicamente vinculante.

Pero creo que este es un paso importante en la construcción de la confianza de los inversores de nuevo. Necesitamos un marco claro para el funcionamiento de MTV.

Como yo estaba pensando , MTV está en constante evolución , y la gente no le gusta el cambio . Pero es un pilar absolutamente fundamental de MTV - que adaptarse , crecer y desarrollarse ... Así, mientras que el cambio va a suceder constantemente, por lo menos podemos crear un sistema fijo de cómo vamos a eso ... Así que tener una constante, incluso entre la continuación final enver de nuestra evolución de los sistemas .
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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16/03/2014 23:55
blaxbla, do you see what I'm talking about?
It says in big bold letters:
Daily Result: DD/MM/YYYY

people assume these are just daily results and not general news because it's not stated in the title, although Jo posts news and updates about MTV in general here too.
I mean it should be better and more highlighted
Forum - News - Mar 16th - 5 days until PaidVerts!
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