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Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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09/05/2014 11:24
Todays fast tracks have been sent!

MyTrafficValue is now accepting BitCoin:

Report a problem monitor listing, and earn $1:

Today my focus is support tickets! I want to clear the remaining 200... And i'll keep chipping away at cashouts as well. But they'll be my focus tomorrow.

PaidVerts is rocketing along, we sold over $4000 in ads yesterday; generating over $520 in revenues for the MTV portfolio... Users earning daily is now over 5000. And the MTV share price is well into $0.24 now; and should hit $0.25 in the next day or two... This could be the beginning of a real big explosion. Let's see!

There seems to have been a bunch of errors viewing ads overnight; not sure why. I've mentioned it to the programmers and we'll investigate - but it's some sort of glitch, and not a permanent error; so if you just try again, it should work!

The Micro Ads button should return soon. This is a bug related to how we display banner impressions - it occasionally causes the page to load blank white. We're fixing that at the moment; and once that's done. The Micro Ads button will return also.

Later on tonight, we may be adding Keno to the BAP games with a bit of luck.

And last night I drew up the specification for the beginnings of our "Cheap Traffic Ads" (now named: "Fast Ads"). And that's been added to the construction queue.


$0.10 packs; (Buy 1-50 max per campaign)
each buys you 40 unique visits, for 15 seconds, after typing 1 copy & paste line of text. Delivery guaranteed within 14days.

... $0.01 referral commission
... $0.01 mtv portfolio
... $0.08 sends 40 * $0.002 ads to random users with 4+ BAP

$9 packs... (1 max)
buys you 4000 unique visits, for 15 seconds, after typing 1 copy & paste line of text. Delivery guaranteed within 14days.

... $0.90 referral commission
... $2.10 mtv portfolio
... $6.00 sends 4000 * $0.0015 ads to random users with 3+ BAP

* Each user can only view a given ad campaign once! So you get all unique users viewing your site.

* And you'll notice, these ads consume BAP to receive. So this is helping repay our current debt; in addition to generating direct revenue for MTV... And these ads come with the same 18hour timer; and will recycle like normal (with the added condition of making sure they aren't sent to a user that's already in possession of one of this campaigns' ads, or has already clicked on this campaign)

Anyway, our construction queue is absolutely rammed! I'm eagerly awaiting this imminent explosion in growth / financing, so we can rocket our productivity. As we have a lot of great ideas that are all stuck in the construction queue right now; we need to make them reality, and get them earning for the portfolio ASAP!

Jo smile

Large Depositor Promotion!
If you fund your account with more than $5000 up until 31st May 2014, we'll credit your account with a free 365 day upgrade (worth $2000) to our Fast Track 250 Plan. This will enable you to invest $100-$500 every day for the next year into our fast track queue without fees, pocketing the full 250% return.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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09/05/2014 12:33
And good news...
I've found a way to fund EgoPay (and Perfect Money)! I'll be selling a bunch of bitcoin to Egopay & PM today (might take up to 72hours); and we'll clear all the pending cashouts there.

I've also asked PayPal to let us send payments via API; as it's virtually impossible to keep up manually with their stupid captcha security challenges every page view after you send a few transactions... So once the account is ready for that; we'll get the programmers to build in the bulk pay; and that'll free up a lot of my time!
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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09/05/2014 12:39
Does anyone know where you can find a professional writer... or professional explainer'er if that's a job title?

As frankly, we suck at communication...
And i'd like to contract someone to write a full FAQ for PV & MTV. To design an about us page; design a full guide for MTV & PV. And supplement it with video if possible.

As soon as we unlock some development funding; I think that would be an amazing investment. As MTV is a very good & transparent opportunity; but we're not communicating it very well right now.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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09/05/2014 12:39
Things really are booming! Share transfers are climbing up, PV ad purchases are now steadily 1k+/day, ~1000 new daily members... MTV is finally getting what was so overdue - huge attention.

The fast ads mockup seems good but don't you think 15seconds might be a bit a lot for 0.0015$? Sure the advertising exposure is great, but compared to other PTCs, who usually view ads for 3-5seconds for these kind of earnings, this perhaps is a bit "under rewarding" for the viewer. I don't know, perhaps 10seconds/view might be a good compromise between both? Just a thought.
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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09/05/2014 13:20
@slosumo agreed!
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
2 like this post 0 people
09/05/2014 13:42
We're focusing on value for advertisers. As that's what's going to bring in money; and ultimately make users earn more... Plus there are no shortage of users that seem willing to click on these low value ads... Even high value users click on the occasional one, just out of boredome I expect.

* And anyone with an ad filter won't be pestered by these things... Those users will likely be targeted with our next "Targeted Ads" option; which specifically goes for high value users; and pays them accordingly.
Traffic Value: $83,353.00715 Netherlands
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09/05/2014 13:51
Whoohoo! Shares $ 0.25! happy That means a higher Traffic Value for me! happy
Traffic Value: $152,534.85777 United States
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09/05/2014 16:40
How about making it a forced view for the viewer?  This would add value for the advertiser. All the best PTC's have it.  (Something I suggested before PaidVerts launched wink).
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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09/05/2014 16:57
I haven't bothered with the ad filter yet.  I wanna earn while I got the time, if I get too busy I'll have to use it though.
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
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09/05/2014 19:21
i don't know why but when clicking a AD to see interaction it will not show, this happens when there are more than one page, not so important but should work
Traffic Value: $40,205.23673 United States
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09/05/2014 19:23
Pistas rápidas de hoy han sido enviadas !

MyTrafficValue está aceptando BitCoin :

Informar sobre un monitor de la lista de problemas y ganar $ 1:

Hoy mi objetivo es tickets de soporte ! Quiero aclarar los restantes 200 ... Y voy a seguir saltando lejos en reintegros también. Pero van a ser mi objetivo mañana.

PaidVerts está disparando a lo largo , se vendieron más de $ 4000 en los anuncios de ayer ; generando más de $ 520 en los ingresos de la cartera de MTV ... Usuarios ganar diaria es ahora más de 5000 Y el precio de la acción MTV está bien en $ 0,24 ahora . ; y debería llegar a US $ 0,25 en el día siguiente o dos ... Esto podría ser el comienzo de una gran explosión real. Vamos a ver !

Parece que ha habido un montón de errores que vieron los anuncios durante la noche ; no sé por qué . He mencionado a los programadores y lo investigaremos - pero es una especie de falla , y no un error permanente ; así que si usted acaba de tratar de nuevo , debería funcionar !

El botón Micro Anuncios debería volver pronto. Se trata de un error relacionado con la forma en que mostramos impresiones de banners - de vez en cuando hace que la página se cargue en blanco. Estamos arreglando que por el momento ; y una vez que se han hecho . El botón Micro Anuncios volverá también .

Más tarde esta noche , podemos estar agregando Keno a los juegos de BAP con un poco de suerte.

Y anoche me llamó la especificación para los inicios de nuestras " baratos Tráfico Anuncios " (ahora llamado : " Anuncios Fast "  ) . Y eso ha sido añadido a la cola de la construcción.

Información general :

$ 0.10 packs ; (Comprar 1-50 máximo por campaña )
cada uno que compra 40 visitas únicas , durante 15 segundos , después de escribir 1 copy & paste línea de texto. Entrega garantizada dentro de 14 días .

... $ 0.01 comisión de referencia
... $ 0.01 cartera mtv
... $ 0.08 envía 40 * $ 0.002 anuncios a los usuarios al azar con 4 + BAP

$ 9 paquetes de ... ( 1 max)
usted compra 4.000 visitas únicas , durante 15 segundos , después de escribir 1 copy & paste línea de texto. Entrega garantizada dentro de 14 días .

... $ 0,90 comisión de referencia
... $ 2.10 cartera mtv
... $ 6.00 envía 4000 * 0,0015 dólares anuncios a los usuarios al azar con 3 + BAP

* Cada usuario sólo puede ver una campaña publicitaria dada de una vez! Para que pueda obtener todos los usuarios únicos que visitan su sitio.

* Y te darás cuenta , estos anuncios consumen BAP recibir. Así que esto está ayudando a pagar nuestra deuda actual; además de generar ingresos directos para MTV ... Y estos anuncios vienen con el mismo contador de tiempo 18 horas ; y reciclará como normal (con la condición añadida de asegurarse de que no se envían a un usuario que ya está en posesión de uno de los anuncios esta Campañas " , o ya ha hecho clic en esta campaña )

De todos modos , nuestra cola de construcción está absolutamente con tapiales ! Estoy esperando desde inminente explosión en el crecimiento / financiación, por lo que podemos cohete nuestra productividad. Como tenemos un montón de grandes ideas que están todos atrapados en la cola de la construcción en estos momentos ; tenemos que hacerlos realidad , y conseguir que ganar para la cartera lo antes posible!

Jo smile

Promoción Depositante grande !
Si usted financia su cuenta con más de $ 5.000 hasta el 31 de mayo de 2014, le abonaremos en su cuenta con una actualización gratuita 365 días ( un valor de $ 2000) a nuestro Fast Track 250 Plan. Esto le permitirá a invertir $ 100 - $ 500 todos los días durante el próximo año en nuestra cola de vía rápida y sin comisiones , embolsándose el pleno retorno del 250% .
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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09/05/2014 20:35
We will implement the forced view at some point. Just a matter of waiting for the programmers to have the time to install it.

Not a big task by itself; but there's a lot of such things to do!

And you shouldn't be able to view more than one ad at the same time, even now. That's normal it wouldn't work.
Traffic Value: $152,534.85777 United States
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10/05/2014 05:38
I know that one is unable to watch more than one ad a time here.  However, what I am talking about is very common among PTC users:  What they do (myself included), is line up several different PTC programs(which offer no forced views) in several windows in their browser.  Then they bounce from one ad to the next, back and forth, only glancing at each ad for a second or two.  But anyway, I am glad that you will offer this in the future.  smile  It only makes sense especially here with how much more people get paid for clicking ads. 
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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10/05/2014 17:00
I think forced ad view should be advertiser's choice and charged extra, at least this site does it that way:

here's the link if you wanna check it out
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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10/05/2014 17:02
and btw Jo if one of the programmers finds spare time get them to adjust breaking of larger inserted images xD
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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10/05/2014 19:12
Hi Jo,

You were looking for a pro writer. I think the term you were thinking of was copywriter. Those are the ones that know all the keywords to apply to sell your web page. I don't know any personally but you might want to do a search using that term
Traffic Value: $30,993.31104 United States
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18/05/2014 01:21
" professional explainer'er"
I'm starting a series of 'explaining videos' .

Kind of like a video guide, for the visual learners.
I think it'd be cool.
Forum - News - Fri 9th May - Daily News
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