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Fri 18th April - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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18/04/2014 14:37
Todays fast tracks have been sent!

MyTrafficValue is now accepting BitCoin:

Be the first to report a problem monitor listing, and earn $1:

The PV BAP games section is roaring!
~75,000 plays in its first 48hours. And Paul showed me some stats earlier that show 400k worth of BAP has been wiped out so far. (We'll build the actual stats into the website ASAP - but right now, we're busy with various other bits)

The next game we're working on for that is Blackjack. That'll hopefully be ready either later today or this weekend.

And PV is growing nicely; - 1300+ earners in the last 48hours. That should go over 1400 today as the daily ad issue rolls out.

I just want to explain the "PV Business Model" i'm currently working too;

As you know, each $1 purchased, generates 30 * 1% ads, that are distributed at random & to the purchaser within 10days of purchase. And 50% is invested into MTV, to return 2.5x

50 * 2.5 = 125 + 30 = 155% Total Return

So to put it another way, every $1 purchased creates $1.25 worth of debt (2500 BAP in 'debt')... And to clear that debt we have three mechanisms;
i) MTV re-investment. Capable of clearing it ALL single handidly.
ii) Recycles; if you don't click on the ad within 18hours, it gets sent to somebody else; and you forfeit the BAP consumed receiving that ad (even though you didn't click on it, to unlock the earnings).. So basically one unit of money, pays multiple people!
iii) Games! Obviously users that spend their BAP in our games; reduce the amount of money we need to pay them. Some will win, others lose. Overall the house should net a good revenue! So that's great.

So clearly; we have more capacity to repay everyone than is required. However, this is balanced a little bit via two additional sources of debt;
i) Activation Ads... free users clicking ads, in return for 100 BAP
ii) Account Milestone Bonuses... as you refer friends, buy ads, and view ads, you can unlock various BAP bonuses for your account.

So those are the two aspects to PaidVerts... Debt Accumulators + Debt Reductors

Now... in order to get the business off the ground; we're basically supplementing the initial results with a few hundred per day (as we can't pay tiny returns for the first 3months whilst we wait on the re-investments -- nobody would like that). And that money we'll claw back as soon as the first MTV investments start to mature.

So right now, we're in a growth phase... New money coming in, is financing more MTV investing. Plus helping seed the initial results by itself. And everything is great... We're also accumulating a bit of debt via the supplements; but that'll be squared away as soon as the first MTV investments come in.

So it's one giant time saving process right now. Early adopters are getting nice fast returns via their ad issues. And the books are being balanced behind the scenes in their own time.

And in terms of waiting for the MTV investments to mature; the more PV grows, the more it contributes to MTV's results & share price... Thereby helping the investments to mature more quickly.

So everything is pushing everything forwards in a positive spiral... With the medium term goal is that the 3 aspects reducing our debt are going to overpower the debt itself. Then we'll come to a stage where there is more money overall than there needs to be to clear all of the debt... That'll not only remove the need to supplement things any further. But it will also make PV go super-nova. And start paying out ridiculously huge ads; as there is more money coming in than there needs to be. And that will form a time saving element.

So that's the general idea we're working to right now. And the more you can help promote PaidVerts, and My Traffic Value --- the better it's all going to work together. And the faster everything will earn & pay.

And that is why we're looking for a few big investors into My Traffic Value. As that will give us more cash assets / leverage, to aid with the initial PV supplements. Which will guarantee that PV explodes. And in the process; guarantee that MTV gets huge and everyone makes money!

So if you've got any money to invest; we have a brilliant mechanism with which to utilize it and turn it into a fortune! ... If you've got the cash available; help us act upon this awesome opportunity!

Our first couple years were a bit slow; but now we're in a position to change all that. And within a matter of months, we will be enourmous with even minimal financial backing.

Anyway... re-read the above! This is the only transparent and legitimate opportunity, that makes sense, and is liable to explode your investments this year. So let's go for it! And grow this business!

Jo smile

Large Depositor Promotion!
If you fund your account with more than $5000 between 9th Apr 2014 and 9th May 2014, we'll credit your account with a free 365 day upgrade (worth $2000) to our Fast Track 250 Plan. This will enable you to invest $100-$500 every day for the next year into our fast track queue without fees, pocketing the full 250% return.
Traffic Value: $30,993.31104 United States
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18/04/2014 15:01
Idea: Having a referral link to the game section of Paidverts.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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18/04/2014 15:52
Yea, or more likely a guest version of that page.
Traffic Value: $40,205.23673 United States
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18/04/2014 17:51
Pistas rápidas de hoy han sido enviado !

MyTrafficValue está aceptando BitCoin :

¡Sé el primero en reportar una lista de monitor problema, y ganar $ 1:

La sección de juegos PV BAP está rugiendo !
~ 75.000 obras en su primera 48 horas . Y Paul me mostró algunas estadísticas anteriormente que muestran 400k valor de BAP ha desaparecido hasta el momento. ( Vamos a construir las estadísticas reales en el sitio web lo antes posible - pero ahora mismo, estamos ocupados con varios otros bits )

El próximo partido el que estamos trabajando para que sea Blackjack. Eso espero estar listo , ya sea el día de hoy o este fin de semana .

Y PV está creciendo muy bien ; - 1300 + ganan en el último 48 horas . Esto debería ir más de 1400 hoy en día como la cuestión diaria ad lanza .

Sólo quiero explicar el "PV Business Model " Actualmente estoy trabajando demasiado ;

Como ustedes saben, cada uno $ 1 en compras , genera 30 % * 1 anuncios, que se distribuyen al azar y al comprador dentro de 10 días de compra. Y el 50 % se invierte en MTV, para volver 2.5x

50 * 2,5 = 125 + 30 = 155 % Total Return

Así que para decirlo de otra manera , cada $ 1 en compras crea $ 1.25 dólares en deuda ( 2500 BAP en "deuda" ) ... Y para borrar esa deuda tenemos tres mecanismos;
i ) MTV reinversión . Capaz de limpiar TODO sola handidly .
ii ) Recicla ; si usted no hace clic en el anuncio dentro de 18 horas , que se envía a otra persona ; y usted perderá el BAP consumida recibir ese anuncio ( a pesar de que no hizo clic en él, para desbloquear las ganancias ) .. Así que , básicamente, una unidad de dinero , paga varias personas !
iii ) Juegos ! Obviamente los usuarios que pasan su BAP en nuestros juegos ; reducir la cantidad de dinero que necesitamos para pagarles. Algunos ganarán , otros pierden . En general, la casa debe neto un buen nivel de ingresos ! Así que eso es genial.

Así que está claro ; tenemos más capacidad de pago a todos de lo necesario. Sin embargo, esto se equilibra un poco a través de dos fuentes adicionales de la deuda;
i ) Anuncios de activación ... usuarios libres haciendo clic en los anuncios , a cambio de 100 BAP
ii ) Bonos Cuenta Milestone ... como usted refiere amigos , comprar anuncios , y ver los anuncios , usted puede abrir varios bonos BAP para su cuenta.

Así que estos son los dos aspectos PaidVerts ... Acumuladores Deuda + Reductores de deuda

Ahora ... con el fin de conseguir el negocio de la tierra ; básicamente estamos complementando los resultados iniciales con unos pocos cientos al día ( ya que no podemos pagar pequeños retornos durante los primeros 3 meses , mientras que esperamos en las reinversiones - a nadie le gusta eso ) . Y ese dinero vamos garra volver tan pronto como las primeras inversiones MTV empiezan a madurar .

Así que ahora mismo , estamos en una fase de crecimiento ... Nueva entrada de dinero, está financiando más MTV invertir. Plus ayudando a sembrar los primeros resultados por sí mismo. Y todo está genial ... Estamos también acumula un poco de la deuda a través de los suplementos ; pero eso va a ser ajustado lejos tan pronto como las primeras inversiones MTV vienen pulg

Por lo que es el proceso de ahorro en estos momentos una vez gigante. Los primeros en adoptar están consiguiendo buenos retornos rápidos a través de sus problemas de anuncios. Y los libros se están equilibrados entre bastidores en su propio tiempo.

Y en cuanto a la espera de las inversiones MTV para madurar ; cuanto más PV crece , más se contribuye a los resultados de la MTV y precio de las acciones ... ayudando así las inversiones a madurar más rápidamente.

Así que todo está impulsando todo hacia adelante en una espiral positiva ... Con el objetivo a medio plazo es que los 3 aspectos reduciendo nuestra deuda van a dominar la propia deuda . Luego llegaremos a una etapa en la que hay más dinero en general que es necesario que haya para borrar toda la deuda ... Eso no sólo eliminaremos la necesidad de complementar cualquier aún más las cosas . Pero también hará PV ir super- nova . Y empezar a pagar fuera ridículamente enormes anuncios ; ya que hay más dinero que entra que es necesario que exista . Y eso va a formar un elemento de ahorro de tiempo.

Así que esa es la idea general que estamos trabajando ahora mismo . Y cuanto más se puede ayudar a promover PaidVerts , y mi valor Tráfico --- mejor que todo va a trabajar juntos. Y el todo más rápido ganará y pagar.

Y es por eso que estamos buscando unos pocos grandes inversores en el valor de mi tráfico . Como que nos dará más activos en efectivo / apalancamiento, para ayudar con los suplementos iniciales PV. Que garanticen que explota fotovoltaicos. Y en el proceso ; garantiza que MTV pone enorme y todo el mundo gana dinero !

Así que si usted tiene dinero para invertir ; tenemos un brillante mecanismo con el que utilizarla y transformarla en una fortuna! ... Si usted tiene el efectivo disponible ; nos ayudan a actuar sobre esta increíble oportunidad !

Nuestros primeros dos años fueron un poco lento ; pero ahora estamos en condiciones de cambiar todo eso. Y en cuestión de meses , estaremos enourmous con el apoyo financiero aunque sea mínima .

En fin ... volver a leer lo anterior! Esta es la única oportunidad transparente y legítima , que tiene sentido, y es susceptible de explotar sus inversiones este año . Así que vamos a ir a por ello ! Y crecer este negocio!

Jo smile

Promoción Depositante grande !
Si usted financia su cuenta con más de $ 5000 entre 09 de abril 2014 y el 9 de mayo de 2014, le abonaremos en su cuenta con una actualización gratuita 365 días ( un valor de $ 2000) a nuestro Fast Track 250 Plan. Esto le permitirá a invertir $ 100 - $ 500 todos los días durante el próximo año en nuestra cola de vía rápida y sin comisiones , embolsándose el pleno retorno del 250% .
Traffic Value: $386,747.05153 Netherlands
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18/04/2014 19:52
Jo, I thought you once said that is a certain ad was x times recycled, the money was going to the MTV results.. Am I right or not? And how many times of recycling was needed for that?
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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18/04/2014 20:47
The money doesn't go to MTV specifically. But when an ad "fails" the money goes back to the admin area. Where it's re-distributed again via the next daily issue.

Ads fail after being recycled 25x
If the ad was created for an ad campaign that has had all its visits completed. It will fail at the next recycle (if not clicked). So it can be re-created to advertise an active campaign instead.

And if there is "more money in the system than there needs to be" ; all that will create is a time saving effect. The money won't be available for MTV to pocket or anything like that. It'll just means PV is more lucrative in general.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
7 like this post 0 people
18/04/2014 21:03
Bought some more shares with PV today, and also added another $500 to the Fast Track queue. I'll likely keep alternating between the two; with every 1000 ad packs sold.

I'm buying shares, then instantly listing them for sale at 2.5x the price... And I expect sooner or later, PV to basically be buying shares from itself. And then reselling them 2.5x higher again.

That way, as we sell another 20,000 ad packs or so. That'll be $5k for the Fast Track Queue & $5k for shares... I reckon we'll bump the share price up to at least 15, if not 20cents like that... And if other people start buying as a result of a predictable share price climb; then it'll happen even faster!

And the faster it grows, the faster PV starts earning a return on its investment; which will then result in bigger PV ad issues; and then more ad pack purchases. So it's all a good spiral.

And once the share price hits 40-50cents again; hopefully we'll heal old wounds and can start working together again with all users; to properly take this business forwards. And not having to drag grumpy people along for the ride wink
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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18/04/2014 21:39
Latest Game Stats from PV:

Coin flip:

bets - 19479768
payouts - 19390115
Profit: 89653 ($44.82 worth)


bets - 4243250
payouts - 3464610
Profit: 778640 ($389.32 worth)


bets - 36800
payouts - 33705
Profit: 3095 ($1.54 worth)

* We ran into a small delay trying to install Blackjack, so we quickly put the Spinner up instead today.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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18/04/2014 22:28
Just sent out a mass email for PaidVerts...
I want to try and get every single user buying $10 worth of ads using PayPal. If we can do that; it'll go a long way towards helping us explode both PayPal and MTV.

If all 10,000 users, buy just $10 of ads. That'll be huge;

- $25,000 worth of share buys
- $25,000 worth of fast track queue investments
- $10,000 in direct revenues for the MTV portfolio from ad purchases
- $750 in direct revenues for the MTV portfolio from share transfer fees
- $3750 in instant results for MTV, from the direct result contributions from the FT250 investments.
- $4,750 (up to $9500) in dividends for shareholders

And if we can get people buying $10/week worth of advertisements. Then we'll have made it! That's $5million+ per year in turnover.

It's really easy if people act as a big group! And those kind of numbers create opportunity everywhere for profit. PV will spin around like crazy. Fast Track queue spins around. Share price rockets!

All good things from just $10/week each. It doesn't take a lot.
Traffic Value: $125,324.67968 Netherlands
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18/04/2014 22:55

What is the highest paying ad we can receive at paidverts?

I have 634290 BAP and my highest paying ad was $5.40.
Will this be higher is I buy more ads?
Traffic Value: $1,095,877.628 Canada
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19/04/2014 03:09
I got a $10.80 ad yesterday grin
Traffic Value: $125,324.67968 Netherlands
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19/04/2014 08:04
That's amazing Brainy!

How many BAP do you have?
Traffic Value: $84,466.07763 Pakistan
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19/04/2014 08:19
i think he is have around the 1000k points 
Traffic Value: $125,324.67968 Netherlands
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19/04/2014 08:52
I just purchased a $745 ad campaign and I reached another account milestone!

Buy $1000+ worth of ads, to receive 100,000 BAP
Progress: $1,000.00 / $1000 Completed on 19/04/2014

Bonus Points Remaining: 3061370
Traffic Value: $84,466.07763 Pakistan
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19/04/2014 09:03
congrats angel
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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19/04/2014 09:06
Good good smile

Presently my top "grouping" for distributing Paid Ads is 3,000,000+ BAP plus. So if you get into that, you'll receive the biggest single value ad(s) daily, along with Kamil. He's the only user in that group right now.

Currently i'm distributing ads in two ways;
1) BAP group by group. Basically giving you 1-10ads that make up whatever we can afford to pay you that day.

2) A bulk, low value ad distribution that goes out to all users at random... generally for $0.0002-$0.01 per ad. (Buy the ad filter if you want to avoid those ads)...
And if it's a good day, i'll throw in a few random higher value ads; like 100 * $0.10 or so if there's a spare $10 going around. Then it's pot luck whoever gets them - as pretty much anyone has the capacity to receive a 10cent ad.
Traffic Value: $10,476.23915 Saudi Arabia
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19/04/2014 09:35
Jo shouldn't you be reselling the shares that PV buys for x2.58 in order to balance the 3% share sell fee?
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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19/04/2014 09:47
Technically yes.

But I believe half the time we won't physically sell the shares; as PV will buy them back via new ad packs at the higher rate, and then resell them at a higher price again. So no transfer fees will be involved at all, we'll just un-list them & relist at a higher price.

And if a user snaps them up, and we incur the 3% fee. It's no biggy. Recycling + Games will more than make up for the marginal BAP shortfall.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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19/04/2014 09:55
Just bought another batch, at 8,9,10cents. 5447 shares for $500. Sell them at $0.23 each = 1252.81 (2.505x before transfer fees)

Could easily sell them for $0.24 instead. To truly clear the fees barrier. But we'll decide that closer to the time that they're likely to sell.

So long as the bulk of the return is acheived; job done!
Traffic Value: $125,324.67968 Netherlands
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19/04/2014 11:44
Presently my top "grouping" for distributing Paid Ads is 3,000,000+ BAP plus. So if you get into that, you'll receive the biggest single value ad(s) daily, along with Kamil. He's the only user in that group right now.

I have 3061370 BAP. So that means I will receive the biggest single value ads too right?
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