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Traffic Value: $1,987.4555 Poland
0 like this post 1 people
18/03/2015 18:09
Hi,This project is similar to such programs like paidverts or MTV but also is adding new fresh ideas which make this program unique. For example, within 2-3 months LucreLab will introduce its own payment processor!

How to earn in the system?

Traffic Exchange

Package min. price is $1
you receive: 100x 125x125px banner impression, 50x 15 second visit to your website,
3.100 LabPoints

Watching $1 ad takes 2000 Lab Points.

Points levels:

LabPoints Group 1 ........ 1.6k to 12k
LabPoints Group 2 ........ 12k to 24k
LabPoints Group 3 ........ 24k to 48k
LabPoints Group 4 ........ 48k to 96k
LabPoints Group 5 ........ 96k to 180k
LabPoints Group 6 ........ 180k to 360k
LabPoints Group 7 ........ 360k to 720k
LabPoints Group 8 ........ 720k to 1.5m
LabPoints Group 9 ........ 1.5m to 3m
LabPoints Group 10 ....... 3m to 6m
LabPoints Group 11 ....... 6m to 20m
LabPoints Group 12 ....... 20m+

Social Exchange

Price start from 25 Lab Points!
One fan or watcher cost minimum 25 to 100 Lab Points!
Increase your popularity! Exchange likes, retweets and more!

Play games

Play in such games like:
Sizzling Hot, CoinFlip, Prize spinner, scratch, Whell of Fortune, lucrotto and earn more!


Bid ads on auction!


Here you can buy and sell your LucreCoins. Earn more by speculating like on a real financial market!



The best way to advertising, experience the next level of earning! Get more sales and get more revenues! LucreLab Team consists of motivated, enthusiastic and passionate people with a positive attitude and a burning desire for success! We have created a simple and user friendly tools for our members and advertisers. Our friendly team is always ready to help.THE BEST WAY TO PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS

Accepted payment processors:

Add funds

Perfect Money


Perfect Money
Solid Trust Pay
Traffic Value: $1,987.4555 Poland
0 like this post 0 people
15/06/2015 12:29
15.06.2015 NEWS


We are already in the possession of the Polish company. We have so many things to do, I do not know where to start smile
This week I want to finish all open issues (like , selling top-up on eBay etc). Then we can move from the payment processor. 
I am in discussions with my friends from slovenia, I would also like for them open a shop with top-up. 
We'll see what comes up...

Have a nice day!
For group 1: $28.12
Per user: $0.01
Number of users: 2812

For group 2: $45.42
Per user: $0.06
Number of users: 757

For group 3: $66.99
Per user: $0.21
Number of users: 319

For group 4: $100.19
Per user: $0.43
Number of users: 233

For group 5: $114.38
Per user: $0.86
Number of users: 133

For group 6: $189.54
Per user: $1.62
Number of users: 117

For group 7: $217.75
Per user: $3.25
Number of users: 67

For group 8: $195.00
Per user: $6.50
Number of users: 30

For group 9: $365.58
Per user: $13.54
Number of users: 27

For group 10: $432.00
Per user: $27.00
Number of users: 16

For group 11: $378.00
Per user: $54.00
Number of users: 7

Sum total: $2,132.97
Traffic Value: $46.06379 Finland
0 like this post 0 people
18/06/2015 15:14
This seems very good site.

I'm thinking to invest some money.

But there is one BIG problem, no one know what is the location and who is the admin of this site??

Do you think is it too risky invest money? But anyway they use Paypal, that's very good sing, and no mamy bad reviews either
Traffic Value: $46.06379 Finland
0 like this post 0 people
27/08/2015 12:49
Now LucreLab is in Problem Listings in Monitor.

There was no any ads for many weeks. But there is still active forum where admin post news almost everyday. He said there are working about that all the time, still paying, but need time. 
Someone (no admin, I dont know he is) said ads come back on this friday.

So. Is here anyone who will tell us more about is there any sense stay member of LucreLab?
I heard they still paying but it will take time.
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