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Welcome Guest - Login / Register Forum - Misc - Paidverts doesn't load for me

Paidverts doesn't load for me

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Traffic Value: $296.06627 Hungary
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27/04/2014 20:24
since yesterday evening Paidverts doesn't load.
I tried another browser, mobilenet, I turned off my firewall but still not.
altough as you see, MTV do.
I'm not alone with this problem, one of my friend has the same too!
anybody can help me?

Tamas (kormoran)
Traffic Value: $204.102 Barbados
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27/04/2014 21:24
I notice that as well probably Management is working on the site.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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27/04/2014 22:39
This is an ISP issue unfortunately. Very little we can do about it; other than wait. Read here:
Traffic Value: $204.102 Barbados
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28/04/2014 12:36
Hey Jo, however if thats the problem with the site right now then can you please explain what would happen with the BAPs that are on members account however if the time to click paid to click ads runs out.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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28/04/2014 12:46
You've got 18hours to click on each ad.
We only have 5minutes of legitimate downtime each day when the database gets backed up. Beyond that, we can't be responsible for your internet service provider.

We'll upgrade the hosting to keep things speedy. But there's a limit to what we can do.
Forum - Misc - Paidverts doesn't load for me
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