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Traffic Value: $264.29762 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
2 like this post 0 people
03/06/2017 15:23
2 days of nothing from Paidverts
Zagreb, Croatia
Traffic Value: $770.95545 Argentina
2 like this post 0 people
03/06/2017 16:44
Creating another topic was unnecessary since there is another topic and it was already mentioned on the news. 
Here is a copy of what has alredy been stated
It is a temporary problem and nothing to worry about, the programmers are already working on it!
We apologize for any inconveniences

Edit:It is due to a renovation of the domain, so a new propagation has to ocurr in order for the site to be correctly displayed, which can take up to 24 hours in some places, less in others.
Any lost BAP or ads will be refunded by writing a support ticket
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