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BAP Sale

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Traffic Value: $603.03988 Bangladesh
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11/06/2017 07:11
I want to sale my BAPS.
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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11/06/2017 07:20
Enter here
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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11/06/2017 07:39
They don't have 10K BAP.

Thus, you can't sell them.

You either have to aquire more either via buying RP andselling for BAP or buying BA packs.
After you acquire 10K BAP+, you can sell the BAP all at once (otherwise you will get back under 10K). (Though the Activation Ads do add up overtime, even with the tax. Also, you can win at CFE to aquire BAP, but that would require a lot of time &/or CASH.)

This 10K BAP limit was setup to severly deter cheating.

It has the unintended consequence of not letting small users leave the site/convert to cash at a moments notice.

The only other thing to do is to keep coming to PV daily and viewing ads but not reaquiring any more it will be a sow proccess, but shouldn't take much time per day.
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