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PV Rework Topic(Questions, Bugs)

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Traffic Value: $11,569.46477 Australia
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21/11/2017 00:15
PBG will pay back in time Marc...all that matters is the volume.

Well done to the user that won the big prize.

Are you able to put any kind of timescale on the PBG conversion to Bitcoin balances (or even where it sits in your list of priorities)?
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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21/11/2017 00:37
After pushing some more improvements and tweaks to Paidverts it´s on the top of the list.
Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
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21/11/2017 07:00
Slosumo, thank you for your answer. But today more confusion is added.
I just want to understand everything, so that I can help my referrals.
Yesterday it said 2 days left. But today, after 1 day, I'm back to level 1.
And another thing. If I play CE 100 times, I get 8 BAP and if I play it 1000 times, I also get 8 BAP. Shouldn't reward be bigger if you play more?

Traffic Value: $366.33482 France
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21/11/2017 08:40
I'm still at level 0 although I played CFE  5 times and yesterday. Just saying... wink
If I play 5 times again today, will I get to the next level ? Or is it just that the issue hasn't been fixed yet ?
Traffic Value: $420.31646 Germany
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21/11/2017 08:43
Seems like the Recycle button doesn´t work in the new layout. the whole site is getting grey after you press it, but that´s all that happens.

BTW did my first task yesterday thanks to APS and earned $1.9, I always hated them, because you click for 20 minutes and then it says you are not qualified for any tasks, it´s the first time it actually worked for me. Thanks tongue
Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
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21/11/2017 09:06
Another report. I've played CE 300 times today and my statistics shows that I played 1000 times.
Either case, I didn't get any reward. Is that 8 BAP reward meant to be paid next day or instantly?

Traffic Value: $62,710.15909 United States
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21/11/2017 09:15
Slosumo & Mark,

Can we add something for Click Grid? (unless Im missing it in the achievements or it gets enough views already)

I like the idea of a small daily reward for a full 20 clicks and a big a total Click Grid views that takes a long time to reach.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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21/11/2017 09:40
For CFE, my experience.

FF didn't work for me Sunday so I used regards to registering that I did anything on CFE.

I bet 10 at a time for 1000+ times...never got the bar to go past the 100% like it does for 15 tasks.

I claim 82 BAP as my reward....I think.

Monday, I do the same thing, and this time it shows overfilled, and 4 days left....and 82 BAP was claimed.

Tuesday, today, I've done over 2K clicks, and is not overfilled and still shows 82BAP as a reward and 3 days left.

All that leads to me believing that there is at least one bug if not more associated with this.
Whether I'm supposed to have 90 BAP, or 4 days now or something else.

Klemen50, you do know that you claim the BAP reward from the Paid Ad Page, right?
Also, say I was able to do $1 in ads (or even just the rest of how much aka ~0.65), I'd get the 82 to become 92, right at that claiming early in the day is not good if you are going to improve your BAP reward that day.
Traffic Value: $420.31646 Germany
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21/11/2017 09:54
Dashboard at the bottom, the Questions with the "Yes´" and "No´s".

Only the No buttons lead to another Site, so you can´t view your Refs from there, you can´t see how much BAP you need for the next group and and and.

@druth8x Ah good to know, bad that it was the first thing I have done after login grin
Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
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21/11/2017 10:17
druth8x, yes I know.
But in the morning my BAP reward was 72 BAP. I didn't claim it yet. I've played CE for the reward of 8 BAP. So my BAP reward should be 80 BAP now. Right? But it's still 72 BAP.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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21/11/2017 11:09
You played it yesterday as well, right?

There is no need to play CFE daily to get the reward, just every few days.
Traffic Value: $294.60488 Philippines
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21/11/2017 12:02
I think day only 100.After 0 count.Wait for next day.
Traffic Value: $730.87837 Russian Federation
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21/11/2017 13:12
Can some1 say me, how i can search my previous messages in MTV forum?
Traffic Value: $770.95545 Argentina
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21/11/2017 13:14
@klemen50 the CFE stats take some time to update, so you may need to wait some minutes at least for them to be updated on that achievment. The +8 BAP, is BAP that is added to your daily bonus BAP you can claim, which is one of the new features on PV.
Also, the bonus bap is added to your bonus on the next day

@BestEU you can try using the search button, but if you are referring to a page which shows all your messages, it doesn´t exist
Traffic Value: $437.32954 Portugal
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21/11/2017 18:08
Please, forgive my ignorance but where can I find Coin Flip Evolved? Is it supposed to be on the games section on Paidverts? I can only find Coin Flip there.
Traffic Value: $420.31646 Germany
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21/11/2017 18:24
It has it´s own website:

I´m not sure if you have your account is the same as in PV or if you have to create a new one
Traffic Value: $62,710.15909 United States
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21/11/2017 18:24

Sign in w paidverts user name/ password.
Traffic Value: $437.32954 Portugal
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21/11/2017 18:39

Thanks a lot! smile
Traffic Value: $437.32954 Portugal
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21/11/2017 19:42
I'm not sure if it was already reported by someone else but I'm getting the following visual bug:

Traffic Value: $1,079.62867 Hungary
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21/11/2017 20:01
Hi guys!

Someone can tell me how much APS is 1%,im in 5% atm. Thx.
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