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Profile as a Referral Link

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Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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24/03/2014 16:10
I am just thinking about this;

We have a basic user profile system coming with PaidVerts. And i'm just wondering how we can expand it... As I see one user posting screenshots of his account history on facebook pretty much daily. Along with his ref link - and that's a good idea.

So i'm just wondering whether we can help out with that. For starters, giving you a profile page to promote to your friends -- perhaps even adding your photo + bio info + personal sales pitch.

And maybe generate an image for you with the daily key earnings stats you want to share with your friends via your facebook page.

I'll sketch some ideas up later with various stats that could be promoted.

Jo smile
Traffic Value: $161.87766 United States
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24/03/2014 17:59
You should use an email import invite page so when people join here they are asked to invite their email contacts etc.
Traffic Value: $1,095,877.628 Canada
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24/03/2014 18:36
Gosh that looks great smile
Forum - Brainstorm - Profile as a Referral Link
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